Sunday 17th December 2017
Recent Funeral: On Saturday 16th December the Requiem Mass of Nan McGhie took place in St. Brendan’s Church in Craigston and afterwards Nan was laid to rest in Eoligarry Graveyard. We pray for the repose of the soul of Nan and we also pray for all her family at this time.
News on Fr. Peter Banyard: Sadly Fr Peter will not be coming to Vatersay this year! Fr Peter has told Fr John Paul that he is too unwell to travel and his Superior has asked him to stay in Glasgow for health reasons. So it is sad news that Fr Peter can’t be with us but we pray he will get better soon.
Castlebay Church Clean: This will happen today, Sunday 17th December. After lunch come along to the church and help clean and set up the Church for Christmas. Please come along at 2.30pm. Many hands make light work!
Craigston Church clean: this will happen on Wednesday 20th Dec at 7.00pm. Please come along and help clean Craigston church and set up for Christmas.
Christmas Masses: Next Sunday is Christmas Eve and the Mass times are as follows;
Christmas Eve–
7pm Northbay Family Mass (6.30pm Carol Service)
9pm Vatersay
11pm Craigston (10.30pm Carol Service)
Christmas Day
9.30am Eoligarry
11.30am Castlebay Family Mass
Sacrament of Confession: a wonderful gift we can give ourselves this Christmas is the gift of God’s mercy and forgiveness in the Sacrament of Confession. Please note Fr. Ross, who speaks Gaelic will be over on Wednesday afternoon to hear confessions in Northbay & Eoligarry. Please pick up a leaflet in how to make a “good confession” which can help us prepare for the sacrament.
Wednesday….. 2.00pm -2.45pm Eoligarry Fr. Ross Crichton
3.00pm -4.30pm Northbay Fr. Ross Crichton
Thursday……. 6.00pm-6.45pm Craigston Fr. John Paul
7.00pm- 8.00pm Castlebay Fr. John Paul
Saturday……… 9.30am -9.50am Castlebay Fr. John Paul
5.00pm -5.45 Craigston Fr. John Paul