Sunday 10th December 2017
Recent Death: we remember in our prayers the repose of the soul of NAN MacGHIE of Blantyre and Barra who passed away recently in her home in Blantyre at the age of 89. Nan’s remains will come back to Barra and she will be laid to rest in Eoligarry. At present arrangements for the funeral are on-going and will be announced soon. Let us pray for Nan and for the repose of her soul. We pray for all Nan’s family at this sad time. Eternal rest grant unto her O’ Lord and let perpetual light shine upon her, may she rest in peace. Amen.
Advent Prayer books: at the church entrance are small Advent prayer books for sale. Priced £1.00. Also prayer books for kids. Advent is all about preparing for the Feast of Christmas. Advent is about going to Mass more often, making a good confession, saying more prayers, reading the scriptures. Let’s make good use of this Advent to prepare ourselves for the beautiful feast of Christmas.
Fatima Holy Hour change: please note that we will move the December Fatima Holy Hour to Tuesday of this week (12th Dec). The Holy Hour will be at 10.00am and will consist of Mass, Exposition & Rosary. After the morning Mass the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed and we will then pray the Rosary which Our Lady instructed the Children of Fatima to do. Tuesday is also the wonderful feast of Our Lady Guadalupe which is perfect as we gather to pray the Rosary.
Eoligarry Church work : Please note during this week, from Monday to Wednesday Hydro Electric will be working on Eoligarry church. Last month we had a serious issue with outside wiring going on fire and now it will all be replaced with an underground cable.
Lapaich: Fr. John Paul will visit the housebound this week. On Monday in Glen, Brevig, Castlebay. Tuesday in Eoligarry & Northbay. On Friday in Castlebay & Vatersay. Please note the change for those Fr John Paul sees on Wednesday will move to Friday!
Eoligarry Sunday Mass: next Saturday (16th Dec) there will be the extra Vigil Mass in St. Vincent’s in Eoligarry at 4.00pm.
Vatersay Book: Fr. John Paul has ordered more books of “Vatersay and its people”. They are on sale at the back of Castlebay church and Vatersay church as well at A&C MacLean’s shop. Priced £12.00
Fr. Peter Banyard: will be arriving for his usual visit to Vatersay on Tuesday 19th December.
Vatersay Church clean: this coming Tuesday (12th Dec) Vatersay Church will be cleaned for Christmas. Anyone who can help is welcome to go along on Tuesday.