Star of the Sea, Castlebay, The Isle of Barra. HS9 5XD.
Phone 01871 810267
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Bhileag (Newsletter) 8th January 2023

Recent Funeral: we remember in our prayers the repose of the soul of Jim MacNeil (of Horve & Vatersay) who died on 30th December in Hospital in Glasgow. Jim was only 65. The Funeral took place on Saturday 7th January in Our Lady of the Waves & St. John on Vatersay and afterwards Jim was laid to rest in the Vatersay cemetery. We extend our prayers of love and sympathy to all Jim’s family and relatives. Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen.


Bishop Brian’s Visit: The Bishop will visit Barra and our two parishes on Tuesday 17th January. There will be two important meetings on the same day –Tuesday 17th January. The meetings will be led by Bishop Brian. The first meeting for Castlebay parish is at 6.00pm and will be held in Castlebay School. The next meeting is later at 8.00pm in Northbay Hall for Northbay parish. Come along to either meeting and listen to Bishop Brian’s thoughts about the Diocese and how we can all help to move forward as a Diocese during these difficult times of finance and lack of priests and cost of living. Before going to the meeting please read the Pastoral letter the Bishop has written-entitled “Discerning together God’s path for our Diocese”. It can be found at the back of Castlebay & Northbay Church. Also it can be found online-at the Diocesan website of Reading the pastoral will help you understand why the Bishop is visiting every parish. Come along to the meeting and support Bishop Brian and the Diocese as we all look forward.


Christmas tidy up: sadly we come to that time when we have to tidy away our Christmas decorations and pack up our nativity scenes for another year. Canon John Paul wishes to thank all those who will help to tidy away the decorations and clean the Churches. Castlebay will be tidied up after the Sunday Mass. Craigston Church at 2pm on Sunday. Northbay Church also on Sunday afternoon.


Justice & Peace Scotland: at the start of every year the Bishops of Scotland encourage us to pray for the gifts of justice & peace in our World. Today on the Feast of the Epiphany there will be a letter read out on behalf of Archbishop William Nolan, of the Archdiocese of Glasgow. Archbishop Nolan is the Bishop President for Justice & Peace in Scotland. As always there will be a special collection uplifted for the good work of justice & peace in Scotland. For more information please visit the website


Crib Collection: next Sunday we will take up a collection for the Holy Childhood-the Crib collection


Tea in Northbay Hall: after the 9.30am Mass today (8th January) there will be tea/coffee in the Hall. Come along and enjoy a wee catch up!


Sacrament of Confession: Every Saturday from 9.30am-10am in Castlebay Church  & 12noon -12.30pm Northbay Church


Parish 200 Club: Sadly for the last 2 years we suspended the Parish 200 club because of the various Covid restrictions but all that is done now so we will start again the 200 club for the  New Year of 2023. More information will follow!


Craigston Church Windows: If anyone wishes to help by giving any donations towards the cost of £8500 for the three  new large Church windows then the Parish account details are –RCD Argyll & the Isles Castlebay Mission    Sort Code 839125    Account Number 65627538 Please make out any cheques to – RCD Argyll & the Isles Castlebay Mission. Any donations will be a great support. Thank you!


Visit of Architect to Castlebay Church: when Canon John Paul was recently in Glasgow he met up with an Architect who has been advising him over the last 4 years on how to move forward with work that needs to be done in Castlebay Church. The Architect plans to come over to Barra during January or early February along with a Stone mason form Ardnamurchan and also an expert on lime mortar. They will visit Castlebay Church and will hopefully outline a plan of how to move forward.



Mon 9th January………..No Mass

Tue 10th January………10.00am  EOLIGARRY

Wed 11th January ……..12 Noon CRAIGSTON

Thur 12th January……10.00am  NORTHBAY

Fri 13th January……….10.00am  VATERSAY

Sat 14th January………10.00am  CASTLEBAY



14th & 15th January 2023

2nd Sunday of Year A

Vigil Mass……. 6.00pm   CRAIGSTON

Sunday Masses..9.30am NORTHBAY & 11.30am  CASTLEBAY