Bhileag (Newsletter) 15th January 2023
Bishop Brian’s Visit on Tuesday:Sadly the parish metings are now cancelled due to the bad weather of snow. Bishop Brian will reorganise another date to return to the island to discuss his plans with the Diocese.
Crib Collection: today we will take up a second collection for the Holy Childhood-the Crib collection.
Sacrament of Confession: Every Saturday from 9.30am-10am in Castlebay Church & 12noon -12.30pm Northbay Church.
Parish 200 Club: Sadly for the last couple of years we suspended the Parish 200 club because of the various Covid restrictions but all that is done now so we will start again the 200 club for the New Year of 2023. More information will follow!
Craigston Church Windows: Canon John Paul wishes to thank all those who have been so kind and generous in their donations for the new church windows. Parishioners and friends of the parish have been so kind. The amount of £8500 has been reached to cover the cost of the three large wooden windows. The Church of St. Brendan’s in Craigston means a lot to so many people and that can be seen in the kind donations. Many thanks for your kindness. Of course the weather just now is so wet and windy and hopefully one day when the weather is good then the windows will be replaced.
Visit of Architect to Castlebay Church: over the last 4/5 years Canon John Paul has been in talks with an Architect in Glasgow in regard to work that needs to be done in Castlebay Church especially with the Church Tower. Castlebay Church is a “Listed building” and therefore we have to follow various guidelines for historic buildings which can slow everything down. The Architect plans to come over to Barra during January or early February along with a Stone mason form Ardnamurchan and also an expert on lime mortar. They will visit Castlebay Church and will hopefully outline a plan of how best to move forward.
Tea in Northbay Hall: on the first Sunday of each month there will be tea in the Hall after the 9.30am Mass. Next one will be Sunday 5th February. All welcome!
Mon 16th January………..No Mass
Tue 17th January………..No Mass
Wed 18th January ……..12 Noon CRAIGSTON
Thur 19th January……..10.00am NORTHBAY
Fri 20th January…………10.00am VATERSAY
Sat 21st January………… 10.00am CASTLEBAY
21st & 22nd January 2023
3rd Sunday of Year A
Vigil Mass ……. 6.00pm CRAIGSTON
Sunday Masses..9.30am NORTHBAY & 11.30am CASTLEBAY