Star of the Sea, Castlebay, The Isle of Barra. HS9 5XD.
Phone 01871 810267
Email Addres

Bhileag (Newsletter) 6th November 2022

November Lists: One of the important things we can do during the month of November is to pray for our faithful departed. The Month of November is often called the Month of the Holy Souls. There are November lists with envelopes available at the Church entrance. Please write down on the lists the names of any deceased family, relatives, friends, parishioners you would like to remember and pray for. Once you have filled in your list please place the list in the envelope provided (or any envelope) and inside the envelope please place an offering. Please pass the envelopes onto Canon John Paul or to put in offertory basket. These envelopes will then be placed upon the Altar at every Holy Mass and those names you have written will be remembered at the Altar of God at each Mass in November.


Graveyard Rosary: Each Sunday in November we will gather to pray the Rosary in each of our Graveyards. Please note the times and dates and places!! As always if the weather is poor we will gather in the nearest Church. For this Sunday (6th November) it will be Cuithir Graveyard at 3pm.

6th Nov- Cuithir at 3pm

13th Nov- Vatersay at 3pm

20th Nov- Eoligarry at 3pm

27th Nov- Borve at 2pm

Remembrance Sunday: the service at the Nask War memorial will be next Sunday 13th November at 2.00pm. We will gather to remember all who have died in our Great World Wars and all who continue to die in War.


Northbay “Church Tea” after Sunday Mass: this will be today (6th November) after the 9.30am Northbay Mass. All welcome.


Recent Baptism: we warmly welcome into the family of the Church Morven Valerie Barclay who was baptised last Sunday 30th October in Our Lady Star of the Sea. We wish Morven every health, peace and happiness and every blessing upon her parents Mairi Clare & Dean and the Godparents.


Special Collection: for Scottish Catholic Education service (SCES) next weekend.


Fr. Stanley Bennie: we remember in our prayers the repose of the soul of Fr. Stanley who for many years had been the Episcopalian Priest in Stornoway and when he retired he converted to Catholicism and then ordained to the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham. Fr. Stanley’s funeral will be in St. Marys RC Church in Inverness on Monday 7th November and then he will be taken to Stornoway to be laid to rest there. May he rest in peace. Amen.


Church Dues: about now Church Dues can be handed into the Church



Mon 7th Nov………… No Mass

Tues 8th  Nov………  10.00am  EOLIGARRY

Wed 9th  Nov ……… 12 Noon  CRAIGSTON

Thur 10th  Nov…..10.00am NORTHBAY

Fri 11th Nov………..  10.00am  VATERSAY

Sat 12th Nov……… 10.00am   CASTLEBAY



12th & 13th NOVEMBER 2022

33rd Sunday of Year C

Vigil Mass…….  6.00pm   CRAIGSTON

Sunday Masses..9.30am NORTHBAY &11.30am CASTLEBAY