Star of the Sea, Castlebay, The Isle of Barra. HS9 5XD.
Phone 01871 810267
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Bhileag (Newsletter) 3rd July 2022


Canon John Paul: sadly last Wednesday Canon John Paul tested positive for Covid-19. For so long he had managed to avoid it but it has finally caught up with him. Therefore Canon John Paul is now self isolating in the Chapel House in Castlebay. Of course while he is self isolating many things like daily and Sunday Mass are cancelled till he gets a negative result. If he feels able to do any of the weekday Masses he will announce by word of mouth. He hopes to be back for next weekend’s Masses and especially for the Fisherman’s Mass next Sunday afternoon.


Mass on Sunday 3rd July: please note there will only be one Sunday Mass today and it will be at the later time of 2.00pm in St. Barr’s Northbay and will be celebrated by Fr. Gerry Hanlon.


Fr. Gerry Hanlon: We are very pleased to welcome Fr. Gerry to the island for a very quick visit. Fr. Gerry has been looking after the parish of St. Marys on Benbecula for the last week and he is on route to the Cathedral in Oban. Fr. Gerry will celebrate the Sunday Mass today at 2pm in Northbay. Fr. Gerry is a retired priest of the Diocese of Leeds. We are very grateful to him for celebrating Sunday Mass while Canon John Paul has to isolate.


Weekday Mass: Canon John Paul will cancel the weekday Masses from Monday to Saturday so as to give him very chance to get back to next weekend’s Masses.


Fisherman’s Mass & Blessing of Boats: will take place next Sunday 10th July at 2pm on Castlebay Pier. We have missed having this wonderful celebration for nearly three years. Let us all come together with our Fishermen and pray for their safety and pray for those blessings to come down upon all their boats and upon all seafarers. Everyone is welcome to come! Also say a prayer for some nice weather!! Let’s all come together and enjoy the lovely celebration of the Fisherman’s Mass and the blessing of the boats.



Monday 4th July …………No Mass

Tuesday 5th July…………No Mass

Wednesday 6th July …..No Mass

Thursday 7th July………No Mass

Friday 8th July……………No Mass

Saturday 9th July……….No Mass



9th & 10th  July 2022

15th Sunday of Year C

Vigil Mass…….  6.00pm   CRAIGSTON

Sunday Masses…9.30am   NORTHBAY

11.30am  CASTLEBAY

Fisherman’s Mass….2.00pm  Castlebay Pier