Bhileag (Newsletter) 2nd October 2022
Northbay “Church Tea” after Sunday Mass: next “Tea in the Hall” will be today Sunday- 2nd October! All welcome after the 9.30am Mass into the hall! A nice wee time for a catch up over a tea, Coffee, scone, pancake!
October Devotions: there will be Rosary and Benediction in St. Barr’s this Sunday afternoon at 4pm. Our Lady encourages us to pray the Holy Rosary and to do so in front of the Blessed Sacrament brings wonderful blessings and graces. When Our Lady appeared to St. Bernadette in Lourdes they prayed the Rosary. When Our Lady appeared to the Children in Fatima she encouraged them and the Church to pray the Rosary. This beautiful prayer of the holy Rosary is now given to each of us. If we have a special prayerful intercession or intention -bring that to the Rosary and to the Lord Jesus truly present in the Blessed Sacrament at Benediction.
Fr. Mathew Bomki Laghai: Next weekend we will have Fr. Mathew who is a Jesuit Priest from Cameroon based in the Glasgow Jesuit community in Garnethill. Fr Mathew will arrive on Barra on Friday 7th October and will celebrate the weekend Masses so that Canon John Paul can go to the “Discernment weekend” in Lennoxtown. It will be Fr. Mathew’s first time on the island and he is looking forward to coming. Let’s pray that the weather will be kind to him on his first visit to the island.
Visiting Confessor: Since Fr Mathew will be here next weekend why not make use of a visiting Confessor. On Saturday from 9.30am -9.50am (before the 10am Mass) in Castlebay and 12noon-12.30pm in Northbay or just speak with Fr Mathew for a time that suits you.
Canon John Paul : will be heading to the mainland this week as he will be going to Schoenstatt Retreat Centre in Lennoxtown to help lead a weekend for those men who are discerning their Vocation to the Priesthood. Each October Canon John Paul with another two Vocation Directors meet with those who are thinking about going to Seminary. Canon John Paul will be away from Wednesday for a week. He can always be contacted on his mobile number if anyway wishes to catch up with him.
Children for Sacrament Classes 2022/2023: Canon John Paul has handed into the Schools “Sacrament forms” for parents to fill in for those children who are in P4 and wish their Child to make their First Confession and first Holy Communion. Also forms have been handed to P7 for those Children who wish to be confirmed by Bishop Brian McGee. If parents could fill in the forms and hand them back into the school so that classes can be planned out.
Future Wedding: we remember in our prayers Karen Taylor & Christopher Henderson who will marry on the mainland in St Joseph’s Church in Helensburgh. Karen is from Allasdale and has made her home on the mainland. Canon John Paul will celebrate Karen’s wedding on Wednesday 12th October in St. Joseph’s Church. We pray that Karen & Christopher will be blessed with a lovely day surrounded by their family and friends.
25th Anniversary of Iona House of Prayer: we keep in our prayers those who look after the Catholic House of prayer on Iona as it will celebrate its 25th anniversary on Wednesday 12th October. Bishop Brian with some of the priests of the Diocese will gather on Iona and celebrate Holy Mass in the House of prayer. We pass on our prayers and best wishes to everyone at the House of prayer.
Mon 3rd October……..10.00am NORTHBAY
Tues 4th October…….10.00am EOLIGARRY
Wed 5th October ….. No Mass
Thur 6th October……No Mass
Fri 7th October………..No Mass
Sat 8th October………10.00am CASTLEBAY
8th & 9th OCTOBER 2022
28th Sunday of Year C
Vigil Mass……. 6.00pm CRAIGSTON
Sunday Masses..9.30am NORTHBAY & 11.30am CASTLEBAY