Star of the Sea, Castlebay, The Isle of Barra. HS9 5XD.
Phone 01871 810267
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Bhileag (Newsletter) 16th October 2022

Last Weekend: As we know Canon John Paul was away last weekend attending the “discernment weekend” for future priests at Schoenstatt Retreat Centre in Lennoxtown and while he was away it was planned that Fr. Mathew a Jesuit Priest in Glasgow would come and celebrate the Weekend Masses. But sadly all that fell apart when the Isle of Lewis boat broke down as it came into Oban last Friday. Fr Matthew was waiting in Oban to board the boat when he was told last minute that there would be no boat going to Barra for the next 4 days. So the sad decision was made to cancel all Masses last weekend. Apologies to those who went along to the church and found out last minute that there was no Mass. Fr Mathew was so looking forward to coming to Barra for the first time but hopefully that will happen another time.


Recent Funeral: we remember in our prayers the repose of the soul of Calum MacNeil (Calum na Rionnag) of Eoligarry who died after a long illness in hospital in Glasgow. Calum in the last number of years had built a house in Eoligarry and had returned back to stay on Barra. The Funeral took place on Thursday 13th October in St. Vincent de Paul’s in Eoligarry and thereafter Calum was laid to rest in Eoligarry graveyard. As we know Calum was one of life’s colourful characters. Canon John Paul is very grateful to Fr. Eric Studt who travelled over from Benbecula to look after the Funeral Mass. Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen.


Recent Baptism: we warmly welcome into the family of the Church Sarah Ceit McKenna who was baptised last Sunday 2nd October in Our Lady Star of the Sea. We wish Sarah Ceit every health, happiness and blessing. Also every blessing upon the parents Christian & Christina and the Godparents Domhnall & Mary Jo.


Mission Sunday: next Sunday is Mission Sunday- when the Church asks us to pray for those who work in the Missions of the Church. Every October we are asked to pray for the Mission of the Church and to support our local Missio Scotland. There will be a special collection to support Missio Scotland.


Children for Sacrament Classes 2022/2023: Canon John Paul has handed into the Schools “Sacrament forms” for parents to fill in for those children who are in P4 and wish their Child to make their First Confession and first Holy Communion. Also forms have been handed to P7 for those Children who wish to be confirmed by Bishop Brian McGee. If parents could fill in the forms and hand them back into the school so that classes can be planned out.


Northbay “Church Tea” after Sunday Mass: next “Tea in the Hall” will be Sunday 6th November.


The Month of October: is the month of the Rosary. Let us take some time this month to pray the Rosary.



Mon 17th  October……No Mass

Tue 18th October…….10.00am  EOLIGARRY

Wed 19th October …. 12 Noon CRAIGSTON

Thur 20th October…..10.00am NORTHBAY

Fri 21st October………..10.00am  VATERSAY

Sat 22nd October………10.00am   CASTLEBAY



22nd & 23rd  OCTOBER 2022

30th  Sunday of Year C

Vigil Mass…….  6.00pm   CRAIGSTON

Sunday Masses…9.30am  NORTHBAY & 11.30am  CASTLEBAY