Bhileag (Newsletter) 24th July 2022
Burial of Ashes: this coming Wednesday 27th July there will be the burial of Ashes of the late Iain MacIntyre (Iain Aoidh of Barra & Coatbridge) in Eoligarry. Iain died on the 12th March 2021 and it was Iain’s wishes to be laid to rest on Barra. There will be Mass at 11am in St. Vincent’s in Eoligarry and thereafter to Eoligarry cemetery for the burial of Ashes. All welcome!
Mass on Tuesday: Please note the Mass on Tuesday this week will be in Craigston at 10.00am.
Wedding: we remember in our prayers Eoina MacLean & Ruaridh Iain MacLeod who will marry on Friday 29th July at 2pm in Our Lady Star of the Sea. Let us pray that Eoina & Ruaridh Iain may have a wonderful day surrounded by the love of their families and we pray for some good weather for their wedding day.
Fr. Liam McMahon: we welcome Fr Liam from St. Michael’s parish, Parkhead in Glasgow who will be on the island from Monday to Friday this week. We hope he enjoys his “wee break” on the island.
Mon 25th July ………No Mass
Tue 26th July……….10.00am CRAIGSTON
Wed 27th July ……..11.00am EOLIGARRY
(Mass for Burial of Ashes)
Thur 28th July….. 10.00am NORTHBAY
Fri 29th July……..10.00am VATERSAY
Sat 30th July………10.00am CASTLEBAY
30th & 31st July 2022
18th Sunday of Year C
Vigil Mass ……. 6.00pm CRAIGSTON
Sunday Masses…9.30am NORTHBAY & 11.30am CASTLEBAY