Bhileag (Newsletter) 22nd May 2022
Recent Death & Funeral: we pray for the repose of the soul of Captain Roddy MacKinnon (Roddy Iain Mhor of Brevig) who peacefully passed away on Wednesday 18th May in the Stornoway Hospital at the age of 93. Roddy’s remains were brought back to Barra on Saturday 21st May and his funeral will be on Sunday 22nd May during the 11.30am Sunday Mass in Castlebay. Thereafter Roddy will be laid to rest in Eoligarry Graveyard. We extend our prayers of love and sympathy to Katie Ann and all the family and friends of Captain Roddy at this time. Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen.
We also remember the repose of the soul of Dougie McCuish who for a good number of years was resident in St. Brendan’s Home. Dougie’s funeral will take place over in South Uist this Thursday. May he rest in peace. Amen.
Funeral: On Saturday 21st May the Requiem Mass of the late Margaret Ann MacLean (of Allasdale & Dunoon) took place in St. Brendan’s, Craigston. After the Mass Margaret Ann was laid to rest in Cuithir Cemetery. Margaret Anne died a month ago in Dunoon aged only 57. We extend our prayers of love and sympathy to Floraidh and all the family at this sad time. Eternal rest grant unto her O lord and let perpetual light shine upon her. Amy she rest in peace. Amen
Sacrament of Confirmation: we congratulate the boys and girls who were Confirmed by Bishop Brian yesterday in Castlebay. We continue to pray for Anthony Gillies, Liam Paterson, Lewis Walker, Robbie Campbell, Dòmhnall Eachann MacLean, Maren Onarheim, Erin MacNeil, Joe Huntly Meldrum & Dominic Huntly Meldrum. May the Holy Spirit help guide these children in their journey of faith.
Bishop Brian McGee: we warmly welcome Bishop to the island and to our parishes this weekend.
Ascension Thursday: This coming Thursday is Ascension Thursday and is a Holy day of Obligation. Please note there will be just one mass on this day and it will be in St. Barr’s in Northbay at 11.30am and it will be with Fr. Colin MacInnes.
May Devotions: On this 6th Sunday of Easter there is Rosary & Benediction in Northbay Church at 4.00pm with Bishop Brian.
SCIAF Wee Boxes: We thank Eoligarry School for also collecting money in their school for the SCIAF Wee Box Appeal this year which helps support families in Malawi. Eoligarry School raised £108.39. Moran Taing!
Synod Questionnaire: if you have completed a Synod questionnaire please hand it into the church this week or to give to Canon John Paul or to Christine Galbraith or Katie MacNeil. Thank you.
Canon John Paul away this week: please note that Canon John Paul will be away from Monday to Saturday this week. He will be back on Saturday (28th May) afternoon. While Canon John Paul is away the Priests over in Uist & Benbecula will be available to help in anyway. You can contact Fr. Michael Hutson in St. Mary’s Benbecula 01870 602221 for guidance on any funerals. Fr. Colin MacInnes will also be over for Mass on Ascension Thursday.
Castlebay Church Cleaning: we are going to return back to a fortnightly rota for church cleaning in Castlebay Church. If you can help in church cleaning please let Canon John Paul know and a rota will be organised.
Mon 23rd May ………………No Mass
Tue 24th May…………….. No Mass
Wed 25th May …………… No Mass
Ascension Thursday….11.30am NORTHBAY
Fri 27th May…………………No Mass
Sat 28thMay ………………. No Mass
28th & 29th May
7th Sunday of Easter
Vigil Mass ……. 6.00pm CRAIGSTON
Sunday Masses…9.30am NORTHBAY & 11.30am CASTLEBAY