Star of the Sea, Castlebay, The Isle of Barra. HS9 5XD.
Phone 01871 810267
Email Addres

Bhileag (Newsletter) 15th May 2022

Sacrament of Confirmation:  next Saturday 21st May Bishop Brian will be confirming 9 children during a special Mass at 11.00am on Saturday. Let us pray for Anthony Gillies, Liam Paterson, Lewis Walker, Robbie Campbell, Dòmhnall Eachann MacLean, Maren Onarheim, Erin MacNeil, Joe Huntly Meldrum & Dominic Huntly Meldrum as they pray for outpouring of the gifts of the Holy Spirit upon them. The Mass is open to anyone to come along.


Bishop Brian McGee: will be here next weekend on Saturday 21st May at 11am he will confirm 9 Children and then he will celebrate with Canon John Paul the 6pm Vigil Mass in Craigston and then on Sunday the 9.30am Mass in Northbay and the 11.30am Castlebay Mass. We look forward to welcoming Bishop Brian to the island and to the parishes.


May Devotions: On this 5th Sunday of Easter there is Rosary & Benediction in Castlebay Church at 4.00pm.


SCIAF Wee Boxes: have now all been counted. The amounts this year raised- Northbay Church £553.15 Castlebay Church £1253.86 and also Castlebay School £348.88. In total £2155.89 has been sent from the island to SCIAF. Canon John Paul wishes to thank everyone who has given generously towards SCIAF. Moran Taing!


Gift Aid Envelopes: are available in the Church for collection for those who have signed up for Gift Aid. Please remember if you pay tax you are welcome to sign up for Gift Aid. Please think seriously about it!


Synod Questionnaire: Pope Francis is keen to hear from all corners of the church throughout the world about what they think of the Church in these times. There is a Synod questionnaire in the church entrance with 8 questions for parishioners to take home and reflect upon. Take time to reflect on each question and then write down what you think on the Questionnaire. Once you have filled in your Questionnaire please return to the Church. Please pass on the Questionnaire to any other family members especially those who do not attend Mass regularly. Pope Francis is keen to hear from all people. All information gathered will be sent to Fr. Danny Convery who is looking after the information.


Synod Meeting: many thanks to all who came along to the Synod meeting last Wednesday. It was a lovely evening of prayerful reflection and discussion on the Church in these times. Many Thanks! We aim in the next 2 weeks to have another meeting which we will have in Castlebay area.


Canon John Paul: will be away from Monday to Wednesday this week on the mainland. He is attending a Mass of Confirmation for his nephew in Glasgow and Canon John Paul will be his nephew’s sponsor.


Castlebay Church Cleaning: we are going to return back to a fortnightly rota for church cleaning in Castlebay Church. If you can help in church cleaning please let Canon John Paul know and a rota will be organised.


Many Thanks: Canon John Paul wishes to thank the family the late Iain a’ Noon for the collection which was taken up at the Funeral Mass. The collection raised  £934.78 and was given to Our Lady Star of the Sea. Moran Taing!


Recent Baptism: we warmly welcome into the family of the Church Kyle Don MacLennan who was baptised on Saturday 14th May in St. Barr’s in Northbay. We wish Kyle every health and blessing and every blessing upon his parents Laura & Kenny and the Godparents Oran & Shona.



Mon 16th May …….No Mass

Tue 17th May………No Mass

Wed 18th May …..  No Mass

Thur 19th May…..10.00am NORTHBAY

Fri 20th May……..10.00am VATERSAY

Sat 21st May ….11.00am CASTLEBAY

(Mass for Sacrament of Confirmation)



21st  & 22nd  May

6th Sunday of Easter

Vigil Mass…….  6.00pm   CRAIGSTON

Sunday Masses..9.30am NORTHBAY & 11.30am CASTLEBAY