Bhileag (Newsletter) 19th June 2022
First Holy Communion Sunday: today is the Feast of Corpus Christi and today we celebrate our First Holy Communions on the island. Let us remember the 11 children who will make their First Holy Communion in our prayers-
Summer Campbell & Eilidh MacLeod will make their First Holy Communion in Northbay Church.
Charlotte Campbell; Mirren Melville; Olivia MacNeil; Danièal Wilson; Ella Howat; Ealasaid Galbraith; Finlay Paterson; Aiden MacNeil-Smyth; & Daniel Nicholson will make their First Holy Communion in Castlebay Church.
Pastoral letter from Bishops Conference: please pick up a Pastoral letter written for the Feast of Corpus Christi by all the Catholic Bishops of Scotland entitled “On the Holy Eucharist”.
Ordination to the Priesthood of Rev. Philip Bua: on Tuesday 21st June the Diocese will celebrate the Ordination to the Priesthood of Rev Philip Bua. The Ordination Mass will begin at 7pm and will be in St. Columba’s Cathedral in Oban. Philip’s first Mass as a newly ordained Priest will then be on Wednesday 22nd June at 10am in St. Columba’s Cathedral. There is an open invitation to everyone to attend.
Collection for Rev Philip: thanks to all who donated towards the 2nd collection last Sunday for a gift for Rev. Philip for his Priesthood Ordination. Moran Taing!
Canon John Paul: will be attending the Priesthood Ordination of Rev. Philip in the Cathedral on Tuesday and therefore will be away Tuesday & Wednesday.
Marriage: congratulations to Maggs MacNeil & Heckie MacIntosh who were married in Our Lady Star of the Sea on Saturday 18th June. We wish Mr & Mrs MacIntosh every health, happiness and blessings.
Castlebay Church Cleaning: If you can help in Castlebay church cleaning please let Canon John Paul know and a rota will be organised.
Clergy Moves: Fr Roddy Johnston who was in Ballachulish will move to St. Andrew’s parish in Rothesay (Isle of Bute) next weekend. Rev. Philip Bua after his Ordination will be the assistant Priest of St. Mun’s Parish in Dunoon- working alongside Fr. Roddy McAuley.
Mon 20th June ……….No Mass
Tue 21st June…………..No Mass
Wed 22nd June ………No Mass
Thur 23rd June………. 10.00am NORTHBAY
(Feast of St. John the Baptist)
Fri 24th June…………10.00am VATERSAY
(Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus)
Sat 25th June ………..10.00am CASTLEBAY
(Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary)
25th & 26th June 2022
13th Sunday of Year C
Vigil Mass ……. 6.00pm CRAIGSTON
Sunday Masses..9.30am NORTHBAY & 11.30am CASTLEBAY