Star of the Sea, Castlebay, The Isle of Barra. HS9 5XD.
Phone 01871 810267
Email Addres

Bhileag 9th August 2020

Sunday & Weekday Masses: to attend any Mass you must contact Canon John Paul. Since there is the 2m social distance within the church-  numbers able to attend Masses are greatly reduced. Therefore you must get in touch with Canon John Paul to see if there is space available at Mass. Please phone or email Canon John Paul. If the weekend Masses are busy you could try and attend Mass through the week . Please try and get in touch with Canon John Paul sooner rather than later if you would like to try and get to Mass. It makes things easier if there are “household bubbles” who can be together on a pew. So think about if you can sit with someone and use that space in the church. As always if you feel uncomfortable about going back to Church just now during this Coronavirus pandemic -then please don’t go. If you have any hesitation the simple answer is to stay at home and continue to watch Mass online. There is no pressure to go. The Bishops of Scotland have suspended the Sunday Obligation.

Also if you feel you have any symptoms of  COVID-19 – like a new continuous cough; a high fever ; loss or change in sense of smell or taste then please DO NOT go to Church- instead stay home and isolate.


Face coverings at Mass: you now have to wear a face covering at Mass. If you have a health condition that prevents you from wearing one, that’s fine. Also those under 5 do not need to wear a face covering


Housebound: Canon John Paul is keen to start visiting the housebound (Lapaich) when it is safe to do so. We are still in this time of “lockdown” and we still have to be careful with looking after our housebound. Once it is safe to make visits Canon John Paul will be in touch with the housebound.


Retirement of Fr. Colin MacInnes: as we know Fr. Colin recently celebrated  his 50th Anniversary of his Priesthood on the 9th July and he also celebrated his 75th Birthday. When a Priest  reaches the age of 75 he can offer to the Bishop his resignation and step down as a parish priest. Bishop Brian has accepted Fr. Colin’s resignation (retirement) and he will step down as Parish Priest of Benbecula. He will continue to look after the parish of  Benbecula for the next while until Bishop Brian appoints a new parish Priest. We extend all our prayers and love to Fr. Colin and we wish him a happy and healthy retirement.


Fr. Emmanuel: has recently been appointed to be the assistant Priest of the parishes of Taynuilt &  Glencoe. He will work alongside the Parish Priest- Fr. Roddy Johnston. Fr. Emmanuel will live in the chapel house in Taynuilt. Fr. John Paul when he was recently on the mainland stopped to see him and Fr. Emmanuel sends his prayers and blessing to everyone here on Barra & Vatersay and he hopes to come over and visit us all soon.


Prayers for those who have Cancer: every single one of us knows someone who has cancer or had cancer-it sadly is never far from some families door.  So many of us give money to Cancer charities because it affects so many especially those close to us. Let us always remember in our prayers our sick and housebound on the island and especially those who are going through treatment for Cancer.

Fr. John Paul asks for special prayers for a young 7 year old girl called Sophia Walker who is terminally ill with Cancer. Sophia  lives in Glasgow with her mum & dad and sister and for the last 4/5 years she has been in and out of hospital battling Cancer. Sadly the latest news for Sophia is not good and she very much needs our prayers of support and healing. Sophia has a strong connection with Daliburgh/Lochboisdale. Her grandfather Neil was well known to many of us here as he used to deliver parcels with the “Menzies van”. Also Fr. John Paul went to school with Sophia’s father.  If you could remember young Sophia in your prayers and her mum & dad and sister and all extended family. As we pray for Sophia we pray for all with Cancer. May the Lord Jesus, the blessed virgin Mary and St. Peregrine (patron saint of those with Cancer) bring strength, healing and peace to all who carry this heavy cross.




Mon 10th Aug…  No Mass

Tues 11th Aug..10am  EOLIGARRY

Wed 12th Aug.12Noon CRAIGSTON

Thur 13th Aug…..10am  NORTHBAY

Fri 14th Aug….10am  VATERSAY

Sat 15th Aug… No Mass



15th & 16th August   2020

20th Sunday of Year A

Vigil Masses

4pm & 6pm   CRAIGSTON

Sunday Masses

9.30am   NORTHBAY

11.30am  CASTLEBAY