Star of the Sea, Castlebay, The Isle of Barra. HS9 5XD.
Phone 01871 810267
Email Addres

Bhileag 6th June 2021

Reserve a seat for Mass: If you wish to go to Sunday Mass please phone /text /email Canon John Paul and let him know which Mass you would like to go to. Please note that there is no Sunday Obligation at the moment.


Diaconate Ordination: please remember in your prayer Philip Bua who will be ordained a Deacon for our Diocese on Thursday 10th June in Rome. A happy day for our Diocese and for Philip as he gives his life in service to God and to the Church. May the Holy Spirit bless Philip and help in his preparations for his Diaconate.


Housebound visits: Canon John Paul is happy to visit any housebound with the Sacraments.


Fr. Eric Studt: we look forward to welcoming back to the island Fr. Eric. He is the young American Jesuit priest who lives in Edinburgh and  helped with the  Christmas Masses. Fr. Eric arrives on Wednesday and will stay a week.


Corpus Christi Holy Hour: there will be Rosary and Benediction today in St. Barr’s Church in Northbay on the Feast of the Body & Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) at 4.00pm.


First Holy Communions: please note the first Holy Communions this year will be over two weekends- Sunday 13th June and Sunday 20th June. Please remember the boys and girls in your prayers. There will be 29 Children making their First Holy Communion over the two weekends.


Sunday 13th June: please note on Sunday 13th June it is First Holy Communion Sunday for P5& P6 which will be for 19 children between the two churches. Therefore we need to add extra Sunday Masses. Thankfully we will have Fr. Eric staying over on Vatersay for a week and he is able to help.  Please note the following Sunday Mass timetable for Sunday 13th June. Please look very carefully at the following timetable.

9.30am NORTHBAY-only for the 1st Holy Communion children  (P5) with Canon John Paul

11.30am CASTLEBAY- only for the 1st  Holy Communion children  (P5/P6) with Canon John Paul

9.30am CASTLEBAY -Sunday Parish Mass with Fr. Eric

11.30am  NORTHBAY -Sunday Parish Mass with Fr. Eric


Feast of St. Columba: The 9th June is the 1500th anniversary of the birth of St. Columba- the patron Saint of our Diocese. There had been big plans to celebrate the feast but everything has had to change because of Covid-19 restrictions. However Bishop Brian will celebrate Mass in St. Columba’s Cathedral on Tuesday 8th June at 6.30pm and then on Wednesday 9th June he will travel to Iona with some of the Scottish Bishops and the Apostolic Nuncio and celebrate Mass in Iona Abbey and pray for the intercession of St. Columba on the Diocese.


St. Columba Novena book: to mark the 1500th Anniversary of the birth of St. Columba there has been a lovely Novena booklet produced. The Novena has been done by Fr. Ross Crichton on Eriskay. The prayers in the Novena booklet are English, Gaidhlig and Irish Gaelic. The booklet costs £3.95. They will be available at the back of Northbay and Castlebay Church.  St. Columba…….pray for us.


Prayers for the Faithful departed: We remember those whose anniversaries which occur about now…Margaret Currie (Castlebay) Mary Flora Reckord (Ardmhor & Oban).  Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord.


Borve Graveyard Grass cutting: Volunteers with their strimmers will meet down at the Graveyard at 10am on Sunday Morning (6th June).  If you can help please come along.



Mon 7th June……. No Mass

Tue 8th June…..10.00am  EOLIGARRY

Wed 9th  June… 12 Noon  CRAIGSTON

(Feast of St. Columba)

Thur 10th  June…..10.00am   NORTHBAY

Fri 11th June……10.00am  VATERSAY

(Feast of the Sacred Heart)

Sat 12th June……….No Mass



12th & 13th June 2021

11th Sunday of Year B

 Vigil Mass

4.00pm & 6.00pm CRAIGSTON

Sunday Masses


(only for 1st Holy Communion children  & families)

 9.30am CASTLEBAY  

(Parish Mass for everyone)

11.30am  CASTLEBAY  

(only for 1st Holy Communion children  & families)

11.30am NORTHBAY   

(Parish Mass for everyone)