Star of the Sea, Castlebay, The Isle of Barra. HS9 5XD.
Phone 01871 810267
Email Addres

Bhileag 30th May 2021

Reserve a seat for Mass: If you wish to go to Sunday Mass please phone /text /email Canon John Paul and let him know which Mass you would like to go to. Please note that there is no Sunday Obligation at the moment. Therefore you can treat a weekday Mass as your Sunday Mass just now. If you are still thinking about returning to Mass- why not think about first going to a quieter Mass through the week?


Outdoor Rosary: today we conclude the month of May with an outdoor Rosary at Northbay Grotto at 4.00pm. Hopefully the weather will be dry. If not we will go into the church.


Day for Life: there will be a second collection today for “Day for Life” which is a special collection taken up by the Church which is used to highlight the right to life and the sanctity of all life. From the unborn child to the elderly person and to the dying we must always preserve the right to life.


Housebound visits: Canon John Paul is keen to start visiting the housebound with Holy Communion. If you would like Canon John Paul to visit then please get in touch.


First Confessions: The children will make their 1st Confessions on Saturday 5th June. Castlebay Church at 10am or at Northbay Church at 12 Noon.


First Holy Communions: please note the first Holy Communions this year will be over two weekends- Sunday 13th June and Sunday 20th June. Please remember the boys and girls in your prayers. There will be 29 Children making their First Holy Communion over the two weekends.


Sunday 13th June: please note on Sunday 13th June it is First Holy Communion Sunday for P5& P6 which will be for 19 children between the two churches. Please note the following Sunday Mass timetable for Sunday 13th June ….Please look very carefully at the following timetable for Sunday 13th June.

9.30am NORTHBAY…….only for the 1st Holy Communion children  (P5) with Canon John Paul

11.30am CASTLEBAY…only for the 1st  Holy Communion children  (P5/P6) with Canon John Paul

9.30am CASTLEBAY…….Sunday Parish Mass with Fr. Eris Studt

11.30am  NORTHBAY…..Sunday Parish Mass with Fr. Eric Studt


Prayers for the Faithful departed: We remember those whose anniversaries which occur about now…Annie Sinclair (Glen), Donald John MacIntyre (Glen), Peggy Harkess (Glen) Mary Campbell (Castlebay), Donald Philip MacKinnon (USA), Marybell MacDougall (Cumnock). Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen.


Borve Graveyard Grass cutting: the new graveyard committee is keen to get the grass cut at the Graveyard very soon. Sadly we missed out grass cutting last year -so the grass is longer than usual and there are some difficult parts  to cut. We need volunteers who can be on standby with their petrol strimmer to go to the graveyard and cut the grass. If you are able to help please contact Stephen Kearney on 07988239141 -let him know if you are available to help. Stephen will then contact you with the day and time that everyone will go. Of course it’s all weather dependant and it will be a great help for everyone to be there at the same time so that different sections of the graveyard can be cut by the various volunteers. We need at least 10/12 or more volunteers to help. So if you have a strimmer please come along and help. This will be a one off cut! After that we hope that one person will then look after the grass-cutting.


Eoligarry Graveyard: the graveyard tariffs have been revised – Lair Purchase =£50;  Annual upkeep (per family) =£30 Gravediggers =£60 per person (Monday to Friday) and £70 per person (Saturday & Sunday). Remember to dispose of old wreaths/flowers in the large bin provided. Do not place any wreaths in the gravediggers shed. Moran Taing!



Mon 31st  May…… No Mass

Tue 1st June……  10.00am  EOLIGARRY

Wed 2nd June….. 12 Noon  CRAIGSTON

Thur 3rd June…… 10.00am   NORTHBAY

Fri 4th June…….. 10.00am  VATERSAY

Sat 5th June……….No Mass



5th & 6th June 2021

Corpus Christi

Vigil Mass……4pm & 6pm CRAIGSTON

Sunday Masses………. 9.30am    NORTHBAY

11.30am  CASTLEBAY