Star of the Sea, Castlebay, The Isle of Barra. HS9 5XD.
Phone 01871 810267
Email Addres

Bhileag 4th July 2021

Reserve a seat for Mass: If you wish to go to Sunday Mass please phone /text /email Canon John Paul and let him know which Mass you would like to go to. Please note that there is no Sunday Obligation at the moment.


Sunday Catholic  Papers: sadly as we know last year the Scottish Catholic Sunday Observer Paper stopped printing because of Covid-19 and at the moment it does not look that it will return. Now the Catholic Universe Sunday paper has also been struggling to print its paper and that’s why we don’t have the Sunday papers for sale. It’s so sad to think these two big Catholic Sunday papers slowly folding up. We hope and pray one day they can start again!


Deacon Philip Bua: at long last we warmly welcome Deacon Philip to the island and to our parishes. Philip has been isolating for the last 10 days in Vatersay Chapel house and now after two negative Covid tests he is clear to help out in the parish. Philip is a Deacon in the church which means he is now one year away from Priesthood. As a deacon he can help Canon John Paul at the Altar during Mass. He can preach a homily, he can do Baptisms and also weddings. Deacon Philip will get as much experience he can helping out in the parish. Please make him feel at home as you see him about the island and in our churches.


Blessing of Boats: sadly this year there will be NO Fishermans Mass due to the Coronavirus pandemic restrictions. We are in level zero on the island and we are moving in the right direction but we still have to be very cautious and keep ourselves and our island safe. Instead of the public Mass Canon John Paul on Sunday 11th July (Sea Sunday)  will visit various piers and bless any fishing boats or any boats that are there:-

2.00pm  Ardveenish New Pier

2.30pm  Ardveenish old pier

3.00pm Northbay pier/slipway

4.00pm Castlebay Marina

4.30pm Vatersay Causeway slipway


Sea Sunday Collection: next Sunday is “Sea Sunday “ and a day we pray for the good work of Apostleship of the Sea and pray for all our Fishermen and all seafarers. There will be a 2nd Collection next weekend 10/11th July.


New Dawn virtual conference in Scotland: the 12th Annual conference of the Catholic New Dawn conference will be online this year because of Covid Restrictions.  It will be from the evening of Friday 9th July to Sunday 11th July. This year’s theme for the conference is “Do not be afraid, for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name, you are mine”. Throughout the 3 days there will be 5 talks that follow the 5 themes of New Dawn- the Holy Spirit, Reconciliation, Healing, Mary the Mother of the Church & Evangelisation. In addition there is a Saturday morning slot for children. These can be joined through Eventbrite as directed on the New Dawn in Scotland Website. Please check it out!


Memorial Service: on Saturday 10th July there will be a memorial service in memory of the late Fiona MacNeil (Scott) of Glen who died last year during the first lockdown. Fiona was cremated on the mainland and the family had always hoped to have a memorial service on Barra with friends and family on the island- once Covid restrictions slightly lifted. The urn of Ashes will be present at the service at 11.30am in Our Lady Star of the Sea. However the Ashes will be laid to rest on the mainland at a later date.


Congratulations: to Christina Beggs & Christian McKenna who were married in Our Lady Star of the Sea on Thursday 1st July. We wish Christina & Christian every health and happiness in their marriage.


Parish Swap: please note that from Monday 12th July to Thursday 22nd July Canon John Paul will be doing a parish swap with Fr. Joe Sullivan who is the Parish Priest of Holy Cross in Croy (near Cumbernauld). Fr Joe is very keen to come to Barra and enjoy a break from the mainland and so it was a good idea to simply swap parishes for 10 days. Canon John Paul’s sister is a parishioner at Holy Cross in Croy and so he will be able to catch up with family while he is away.



Mon 5th July……No Mass

Tue 6th July….  10.00am  EOLIGARRY

Wed7th July…… 12 Noon  CRAIGSTON

Thur 8th July….10.00am   NORTHBAY

Fri 9th  July…… 10.00am  VATERSAY

Sat 10th July……No Mass



10th & 11th July 2021

15th Sunday of Year B

Vigil Mass……4pm & 6pm CRAIGSTON

Sunday Masses……9.30am NORTHBAY

                                11.30am  CASTLEBAY