Bhileag 31st October 2021
Requiem Masses: On Monday 1st November there will be the Requiem Mass of Josephine MacLean at 11.00am in Our Lady Star of the Sea in Castlebay. After the Funeral Mass Josephine will be laid to rest in Vatersay Graveyard. Josephine passed away on Sunday 24th October at the age of 80 in Hospital in Ayrshire. We extend our prayers of love and sympathy to her siblings Sandy & Mary Ann and also to her children and grandchildren. Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in peace. Amen.
On Tuesday 2nd November there will be the Requiem Mass of Roy MacKinnon at 11.00am in Our Lady of the Waves & St. John on Vatersay. After the Funeral Roy will be laid to rest in Vatersay graveyard. Roy passed away on Friday 29th October at the age of 80 in St. Brendan’s Hospital. We extend our prayers sympathy to all Roy’s relatives & friends. Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen.
We also remember in our prayers the repose of the soul of Colin MacDonald who was the brother of Fr. Michael MacDonald in Ardkenneth in South Uist. We extend our prayers of love and sympathy to Fr. Michael and all the family, relatives and friends at this time. Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen.
Fr. Stephen Reilly: This week we welcome Fr. Stephen Reilly to the island. Fr. Stephen is a Priest of Motherwell Diocese and at the moment he works full time at Glasgow University in his role as Co-ordinator of Spiritual and Pastoral Formation. Fr. Stephen will be staying the next 5 days in Vatersay Chapel House for a short break. Fr. Stephen will help out with some of the Masses this week.
November Lists: One of the lovely things we can do during the month of November is to pray our faithful departed. The Month of November is often called the Month of the Holy Souls. There are November Lists with envelopes available at the Church entrance. Please write down on the lists the names of any deceased family, relatives, friends or parishioners you would like to remember and pray for. Once you have filled in your list please place the list in the envelope provided along with your offering. These envelopes will then be placed upon the Altar at every holy Mass and those names you have written will be remembered at the Altar of God at each Mass in November.
All Saints Day: Monday 1st November is the Feast of All Saints- there will just be one Mass at 10am in St. Barr’s in Northbay.
All Souls Day: Tuesday 2nd November is the Feast of All Souls Day. There will be two Masses that day at 10am in St. Vincent’s in Eoligarry and then at 7pm in Our Lady Star of the Sea in Castlebay.
Graveyard Rosary: during the month of November there is the lovely custom of praying the Holy Rosary at each of the four graveyards on our islands. The Rosary will be prayed at 3pm on Sunday 7th November at Cuithir Cemetery; Sunday 14th November at Vatersay Cemetery; Sunday 21st November at Eoligarry Cemetery and lastly on Sunday 28th November at Borve Cemetery. If the weather is poor we will say the Rosary in the nearest Church.
Synod 2021-2023: Bishop Brian tells us- “since the Second Vatican Council- representatives of the World’s Bishops come together periodically in Rome to discuss a set topic in what is called the Synod of Bishops. The word “Synod” means “journeying together” and so when the Bishops gather from every country; the promptings of the Holy Spirit in the world’s many varied places are shared and listened to. This helps the Church to better discern the Will of God regarding concrete situations. The next Synod of Bishops will meet in Rome in 2023. The topic for this Synod is “Synodality” itself. How can we journey together as a church? How can we better listen and discern God’s Will? Pope Francis has decided that the first stage of the Synod is held in every Diocese throughout the World. In this first stage we are all (Clergy, lay faithful and religious) are asked to listen to each other. More information will follow!
Mon 1st November...11.00am CASTLEBAY (Requiem Mass)
10.00am NORTHBAY (Mass for the Feast of All Saints)
Tue 2nd November..11.00am VATERSAY (Requiem Mass)
10.00am EOLIGARRY (Mass for the Feast of All Souls Day)
7.00pm CASTLEBAY (Mass for the Feast of All Souls Day)
Wed 3rd November….. 12 Noon CRAIGSTON
Thur 4th November….10.00am NORTHBAY
Fri 5th November……10.00am VATERSAY
Sat 6th November…..10.00am CASTLEBAY
6th & 7th November 2021
32nd Sunday of Year B
Vigil Mass……… 6.00pm CRAIGSTON
Sunday Masses….9.30am NORTHBAY