Bhileag 27th March 2022
Recent Funeral: we pray for the repose of the soul of Annie MacMillan (Annag Mhol) of Craigston who peacefully passed away in St. Brendan’s Hospital on Tuesday 22nd March at the age of 89. For the last couple of years Annag has been resident in St. Brendan’s Home after suffering from a stroke which left her blind. The Funeral took place on Thursday 24th March in St. Brendan’s, Craigston and then Annag was laid to rest in Cuithir Cemetery. Fois shoiurruidh thoir dhith, a Thigearna agus solus nach dibir dearrsadh orra. Gu’n robh a fois ann a’ sith. Amen.
Stations of the Cross: There will be NO Stations this Sunday!
Mothering Sunday: we pray for all mothers on this Mothering Sunday. May our Lord Jesus pour his blessings upon all mothers and may the intercession of Mary our heavenly Mother guide all mothers. Happy Mother’s Day!
SCIAF: today is the 4th Sunday of Lent and we always focus our attention on the good work of SCIAF. There will be a letter read out at all Masses on behalf of Bishop Joseph Toal. There will also be a 2nd collection for SCIAF but this time for the projects in Malawi.
Prayers for Peace in Ukraine: Our Holy Father Pope Francis on Friday 25th March consecrated the countries of Ukraine & Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Last Friday every Catholic parish united their own prayers to the act of consecration. Let us keep praying for peace in Ukraine.
Chrism Mass: will go ahead on Wednesday 6th April at 6.00pm in St. Columba’s Cathedral in Oban.
Memorial Mass: please note that on Friday 8th April at 12Noon in Our Lady Star of the Sea there will be a Memorial Mass in memory of the late Floraidh MacNeil (Floraidh Ramain) of Glen. Floraidh died on the 14th April 2020 at the start of lockdown. No one was able to enter the church for the Funeral Mass and only a small number were allowed at the graveside. The family wish to invite you to the memorial Mass.
Gift Aid Envelopes: the new sets of Parish Gift Aid envelopes are available in the Church. Please remember if you pay tax you are welcome to sign up for Gift Aid. Please think about it!
Catholic Church in Scotland – Request to Abuse Survivors: During April 2022 the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) will be conducting an independent review of Safeguarding in the Diocese of Argyll and the Isles. They want to hear from people with first-hand experience of how the Diocese has responded, or failed to respond, to reports of abuse or the sharing of concerns. No-one in the Church will be told you are taking part – it will be completely confidential and you will not be identified. If you have anything you would like to tell the independent review team, please contact SCIE directly by email at: or by phoning: 07921 251614
Mon 28th March …….No Mass
Tue 29th March…….10.00am EOLIGARRY
(& Stations of the Cross)
Wed 30th March …..12 Noon CRAIGSTON
Thur 31st March……10.00am NORTHBAY
Fri 1st April………….10.00am VATERSAY
(& Stations of the Cross)
Sat 2nd April ……10.00am CASTLEBAY
2nd & 3rd APRIL 2022
5th Sunday of Lent -Year C
Vigil Mass……. 6.00pm CRAIGSTON
Sunday Masses…..9.30am NORTHBAY