A’ Bhileag 19th April 2020
A Bhileag- The Parish Newsletter: since the Churches are now closed the parish newsletter can be picked up from A & C MacLean’s Shop (Bùth Bhuidsear) on the Main Street.
Recent Funeral: we remember in our prayers the repose of the soul of Floraidh MacNeil (Floraidh Ramain) who peacefully passed away in her own home in Glen at the wonderful age of 91. Floraidh was laid to rest on Thursday 16th April. Canon John Paul celebrated his own private Funeral Mass for Floraidh on Thursday in Our Lady Star of the Sea Church and then Floraidh was laid to rest in Cuithir cemetery. We extend our prayers of love and sympathy to all Floraidh’s family especially those who could not be there. Floraidh was well known on the island for being a much loved primary school teacher on the island. Once the restrictions have been lifted we will organise a Memorial Mass for Floraidh. Fois shiorruidh thoir dhith a Thighearna agus solus nach dìbir dearrsadh oirre. Gu’n robh a fois ann an sìth. Amen.
Divine Mercy Sunday: All over the World many people will pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet or pray the Rosary at 3pm on Sunday (19th April). Canon John Paul will celebrate a private Holy Hour in which he will expose the blessed Sacrament at 3pm in Castlebay Church and then he will say the Divine Mercy Chaplet and the Rosary for the intention of the parishes of Castlebay & Northbay to be blessed and protected in these strange times. Let us all pick up our own Rosary and pray the glorious Mysteries of the Rosary or say the Divine Mercy Chaplet today at 3.00pm in our own home and pray to the Risen Lord Jesus who is the Divine Mercy to bless and protect our families and islands just now.
TV Programme “Priest School”: after the recent Gaelic Programme following Fr. Ronald Campbell to his Ordination to the Priesthood on Benbecula- the same TV company called “Solus” have now produced another TV programme focusing again on those training for the Priesthood- especially in the Scots College in Rome. Tony Kearney who we all know well produces and directs the Programme –he was given special access to the Scots College Seminary in Rome and interviews various Seminarians. The Programme is called “Priest School” and will be shown TODAY- Sunday 19th April at 10.15pm on the BBC Scotland. Make sure you put it into the diary or have it ready for recording!
Easter candle at Home: it was lovely to see the lovely display of “Easter candles” that were lit last Saturday around the homes of the island and further afield. It was certainly a great blessing for us all to do that in unity with the Easter Candle that was being lit the church. The light of each candle is certainly a light of hope that we all pray for just now. Keep lighting your candles and keep your prayers going!
SCIAF “Wee Boxes”: just hold onto your SCIAF “wee boxes” for the moment. The money does not need to be handed in till at lease the 20th May. We will see how the restrictions are going at the end of the month of April and at some point we will try and gather the “wee boxes” together.
Watching Holy Mass on the TV or Internet: At times like this when we cannot physically go to Church for Holy Mass we must now use the Digital World. The Catholic channel EWTN on SKY 588 is very good. You can also go online and go to “Church services TV” or go to MCN media and we are spoilt for choice for the number of Masses being celebrated live on the internet.
Sunday Collection- some parishioners have been asking “What about the Sunday Collection- how can I still give my collection?”. The best way forward is through the bank – set up a direct debit with either Castlebay parish or Northbay parish- or you can pay any amount which you can afford just now. These are very difficult financial times for everyone and Canon John Paul understands if you cannot give to the church just now. If you wish to put something in either parish bank account- please use one of the following details;
RCD Argyll & the Isles Castlebay Mission Account no. 65627538 Sort Code 839125 Coop Bank
RCD Argyll & the Isles Northbay Mission Account no. 65628061 Sort Code 839125 Coop Bank
Thank You:Canon John Paul wishes to thank everyone for their kind Easter cards and gifts. He also wishes to thank those who quietly prepared the churches for Easter. Even though our Churches are closed- inside each of the five Churches they are all prepared for Easter- with their white Altar cloths, Easter flowers, and Paschal Candles. We all look forward to the day we can get back to Church and back to Mass. We keep our prayers going and pray for islands to be “Coronavirus free” and pray for each of us and our families to be blessed by the Divine Mercy of our Lord Jesus.