Sunday 12th November 2017
Our Lady of Fatima Holy Hour: on Monday 13th November there will be a Holy Hour in
St. Vincent’s in Eoligarry at 12 Noon. The holy hour will consist of Rosary & Exposition. This year is the centenary year of the apparitions of Our Lady to the three Fatima Children. All Welcome.
The Month of the Holy Souls: The month of November is the month of the “Holy Souls”. Please take home a “November list” and envelope and on the list please write the names of any deceased family, relatives, friends you would like to remember at the Masses throughout November. Place an offering inside the envelope. The envelopes will be opened by Fr. John Paul and all November lists will be placed on the Altar into a special book called “the Book of life” which comes from line in scripture, in the last book of the bible- The Book of Revelation 20:12 –“I saw the dead, both great and small, standing in front of his throne, while the Book of Life was opened”. So please take home a November List and as soon as you can bring it back to the church or to give directly to Fr. John Paul.
Special collection: today there will be a special collection for Pastoral Formation for the Diocese.
November Rosary in the Graveyards: an important custom on the island is to pray the Rosary for our faithful departed and during the month of November on each Sunday we will gather in each of our four graveyards at 3.00pm to pray the Rosary and to pray for the Holy Souls. The Rosary is a very powerful prayer which guides souls from Purgatory to heaven. Our humble earthly prayers are so important so please come along and pray the Rosary at 3.00pm for the Holy Souls on ……
Sunday 12th November in CUITHIR;
Sunday 19th November in EOLIGARRY;
Sunday 26th November in BORVE.
Remembrance Sunday Service: we will gather today to remember those who have died in our Great World Wars and those who sadly continue die in conflict at a special service of remembrance at the War memorial in Nask at 2.00pm. All Welcome.
Eoligarry Vigil Mass: next weekend there will be the extra Vigil Mass in Eoligarry at 4.00pm.
Canon Angus: we wish Canon Angus every blessing as he recently celebrated his 94th Birthday.
Thrift Shop: Fr. John Paul would like to thank the Thrift Shop for their very kind donation of £300 to the parishes for Christmas flowers. Moran Taing!