Star of the Sea, Castlebay, The Isle of Barra. HS9 5XD.
Phone 01871 810267
Email Addres

Bhileag (Newsletter) 26th March 2023

SCIAF Collection: The Collections for SCIAF  last week were Northbay-£226.60 and Castlebay £515.55. Thank you for your kind donations.


Lenten Devotions: today on Sunday 26th March (5th Sunday of Lent) there will be Stations of the Cross in St. Barr’s in Northbay at 4.00pm.


Fr, Ross to hear Confessions: this coming week Fr Ross Crichton will travel over on Wednesday (29th March) and will be available to hear confessions in St. Barr’s church in Northbay from 2pm-3pm. Please make use of the lovely chance of a visiting confessor.


Chrism Mass: will be this week- on Wednesday 29th March at 6.30pm in St. Columba’s Cathedral in Oban. All welcome! During the Chrism Mass the holy oils of the church are blessed by the Bishop and the Priests of the Diocese. Also during the Chrism Mass there will be the renewal of Priestly promises.


Canon John Paul away: he will be away Monday to Friday this coming week attending the Chrism Mass and Diocesan meetings. If there is a need to contact him then please call the mobile number.


Palm Sunday: Next Sunday (2nd April) is Palm Sunday and the beginning of Holy week.


Eoligarry Church Cross: Canon John Paul has been given the large wooden Cross with the figure of the Risen Christ which was previously in the small Chapel in St. Brendan’s Home. Canon John Paul wants to find a new home for the large wooden Cross and  has decided to place the Cross in Eoligarry Church. We are looking at the possibility of replacing the “Celtic Cross” which is above the Altar with the new large wooden Cross with Risen Christ figure on it? The large wooden Cross is over 6ft tall and would fit perfectly in Eoligarry Church. Canon John Paul is “planting the seed” of seeing if parishioners in Eoligarry would like this new Cross above the Altar? The Celtic Cross would then be moved to either the back wall of the Church or in the Church porch. You can let Canon John Paul know your thoughts!


Sign of peace: This weekend we will re-start the practice of the sign of peace.


New Gift Aid Envelopes: the new envelopes will be left out at all Masses this weekend. If anyone would like to sign up for gift aid please speak with Canon John Paul. If you pay tax then you can give your Sunday collection as gift Aid. Just a quick signature and you can take an envelope home with you or you can set up a standing order through your bank account.


Diocesan Consultation Paper on “Led by the Spirit”: Please pick up the paper entitled “Consultation Phase 1- What is God’s Will for our Diocese? Have a read through the paper with the six sections and write down your own thoughts on the various questions and then we will organise collating the information. The six themes to think about are:- 1. Universal Call to holiness  2. Evangelisation 3. Catechesis-teaching of the faith 4. Formation of Laity & Clergy 5. Transparency in Governance 6. A more welcoming, Open Church


Lourdes Parish Pilgrimage 2024: parishioners have been asking Canon John Paul about a parish pilgrimage to Lourdes. To give ourselves time and to save up we will look next year to 2024 and look at possible dates and prices. If it is something you might be interested in then let Canon John Paul know and then we can begin to look at all possibilities and especially with numbers who might wish to go.


Tea in Northbay Hall: on the first Sunday of each month there will be tea in Northbay Hall after the 9.30am Northbay Mass. All welcome!



Mon 27th March………..No Mass

Tue 28th March………..No Mass

Wed 29th March…….  No Mass

Thu 30th March……….No Mass

Fri 31st March…………..No Mass

Sat 1st April…………….10.00am CASTLEBAY



1st & 2nd APRIL  2023


Vigil Mass……. 6.00pm   CRAIGSTON

Sunday Masses.9.30am NORTHBAY & 11.30am  CASTLEBAY