Bhileag 9th September 2018
Special Collection: this weekend there will be a 2nd collection for the Sick and Retired Priests of the Diocese. Please be generous in supporting our sick and retired priests.
Requiem Mass: we pray for the repose of the soul of MORAG McVEIGH ( originally Morag Galbraith from Ardveenish) who peacefully died in Berwick-upon-Tweed at the age of 90. Morag’s remains will come off Sunday evening’s boat and be taken to St. Barr’s Church in Northbay. The Requiem Mass will be on Monday 10th September at 11am in Northbay and afterwards to Eoligarry graveyard. Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in peace. Amen.
Lapaich: the housebound will be visited this week. The only slight change will be those Fr John Paul visits on Monday morning will move to Friday morning. Monday afternoon will be as normal. Tuesday will be Eoligarry. Wednesday in Castlebay & Vatersay. Thursday in Northbay. If there is anyone you know who would appreciate a visit from the priest with the sacraments please speak with Fr. John Paul.
Archbishop Oscar Romero Film: this year, on the 14th October, Pope Francis will declare Archbishop Oscar Romero a Saint. There is a lovely Film called “THE CLAIM” which has been produced in regard the life of Archbishop Romero and members from SCIAF will be on the island to show the film. It will be shown in Castlebay School at 7.00pm on Monday 10th September. Archbishop Romero was Archbishop in El Salvador and he spoke out against poverty, social injustice, assassinations and torture. He stood up for the poor people! So come along to the showing of “The Claim” on Monday 10th September at 7pm in Castlebay School. The entry is free but if anyone wants to leave a donation there will be a collection box.
Child Protection Meeting: on Friday 21st September there will be a Child protection meeting. This meeting is for all those involved with Children’s Liturgy. Mrs Liz Chapman from Stornoway will travel down and do two sessions on the Friday 21st September in Northbay and Castlebay. Details of times and places are still to be clarified. All those involved with children’s need to attend one of the meetings.
Eoligarry Mass: next Saturday there will be the extra Vigil Mass in Eoligarry at 4pm. Please note that from now on, the Tuesday Mass nearest the 13th day of the month will now be a Fatima Holy hour of Mass & Rosary & Exposition- instead of the other holy hour which we had on the 13th day of the month.
Liturgy Works: the Diocesan Music/Liturgy weekend is on the 28th-30th September in the Conforti Institute in Coatbridge. All welcome.