Bhileag 8th July 2018
Sea Sunday Collection: today is Sea Sunday, when the church prays for all those who live and work at sea. Without our Seafarers we would not have most of the time we buy in the shops. Today’s second collection is for the Apostleship of the Sea, the Church’s official maritime welfare agency. It supports seafarers both practically and spiritually. This collection is vital to enable it to continue its work. Please be generous in supporting the Apostleship of the Sea.
Fisherman’s Mass & Blessing of Boats: today, 8th July there will be the annual Fisherman’s Mass and blessing of Boats at Castlebay pier at 2.00pm. As always we need help to set up at 9am and then to tidy away about 4pm. If you can help in any way please come along to Castlebay pier. Also for any of our housebound, cars can be taken up close to the Altar area-someone will be on hand to help direct.
Apostleship of the Sea Chaplain: Bishop Brian recently appointed Rev. Martin Matheson over in South Uist as a Chaplain to the Apostleship of the Sea in the Western Isles. We wish Rev. Martin every blessing in this good work.
Warm Welcome: a warm welcome to all visitors to the island and to our parishes. Welcome to Fr. Jim Walls, Fr. Owen Ness and Deacon Len Moir who are visiting the island at this time and also Fr. Andrew Barrett and Fr. Liam McMahon who will visit through the week. We wish all our visitors happy holidays.
Sacrament of Confession: After Mass on Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday this week, one of our visiting Priests will remain behind for anyone who would like to go to the sacrament of Confession.
Fr. Emmanuel Alagbaoso: Bishop Brian has appointed Fr. Emmanuel as an assistant priest to Barra & Vatersay. This is wonderful news! Fr. Emmanuel will come to the island on the weekend of 28th/29th July and we look forward to welcoming him to the island.
Bishops Fund collection: next Sunday we will take up a 2nd collection in support of the Bishops Fund, in helping support Bishop Brian in the Diocese.
Fatima Holy Hour: on Friday 13th July at 12 noon there will be a Holy hour in St. Vincent’s in Eoligarry. The holy hour will consist of Rosary, prayers of Fatima & Exposition of the blessed sacrament. This holy hour is a very important hour of great blessings and graces as we come together in prayer under the intercession of Our Lady of Fatima.