Bhileag 8th August 2021
Attending Mass in the Parish: The Scottish Government plans to relax social distancing on 9th August and for people to use common sense in public gatherings. Therefore from Monday 9th August you will NO longer need to phone or email or text Canon John Paul about reserving a seat at Sunday Mass or weekday Mass. You can just turn up at the Church and just sign in at the Church Porch with your name & telephone number (for track & trace purposes) and sit anywhere you want in the church. All pews in the Church will be available but we will be sensible in where we sit in the church and respect people’s space. We continue to sanitise our hands as we enter and exit the Church. We still have to wear a face covering at all times in the Church unless you have an exemption. There is still no Sunday Obligation for the moment therefore you can come along to a weekday Mass instead of Sunday.
Vigil Mass: Since July 2020 we have had two Vigil Masses in Craigston every Saturday. When the Churches reopened last year after “lockdown” for public Mass Canon John Paul was keen to keep the Vigil Mass in Craigston and since there was a 2m social distance it was not possible to have one Vigil Mass. Therefore Canon John put on two vigil Masses- 4pm & 6pm every Saturday. Having two Vigil Masses was good but sadly that meant there was no Saturday morning Mass. Now that we are slowly moving forward with more relaxation in our restrictions Canon John Paul will go back to celebrating ONE Vigil Mass at 6.00pm in Craigston. Of course many people have got used to 4pm but it was always a temporary plan!
Next weekend (Saturday 14th August) will be the last weekend for a 4pm Vigil. After that it will only be a 6pm Vigil Mass in Craigston on Saturday 21st August onwards.
Sunday Mass: there will be NO changes to Sunday Mass times.
Saturday morning Mass: will resume again on Saturday 21st August at 10.00am in Castlebay.
Singing Hymns: -we can now have singing of Hymns & Mass parts in our Churches again. We won’t be singing everything but just getting used to singing some hymns at Sunday Mass. We do still have to keep our face masks on for singing.
Future Wedding: this coming Saturday 14th August there will be the Nuptial Mass of Allan MacLean & Sarah MacLellan in Our Lady Star of the Sea, Castlebay. Let us remember Allan & Sarah in our prayers as they prepare for their important Wedding day.
Congratulations: to Annemarie MacNeil & Iain Eosa Campbell who were married last Thursday (5th August) in St. Barr’s Church. We wish Mr & Mrs Campbell every health, happiness and blessings in their marriage.
Bishop’s Fund Collection: next Sunday we will take up a second collection which supports Bishop Brian in his Office Administration and his travels around the Diocese.
Mon 9th August…….No Mass
Tues 10th August… 10.00am EOLIGARRY
Wed 11th August… 12 Noon CRAIGSTON
Thu 12th August…. 10.00am NORTHBAY
Fri 13th August…. 10.00am VATERSAY
Sat 14th August…No Mass
14th & 15th August 2021
Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Vigil Mass……4pm & 6pm CRAIGSTON
(please note this will be the last 4pm Vigil)
Sunday Masses…. 9.30am NORTHBAY