Bhileag 4th March 2018
Stations of the Cross: an important devotion in Lent is to pray the Stations of the Cross. Sadly today on the 3rd Sunday of Lent there will be NO Stations of the Cross as there is Mass on Vatersay at 4pm.
There will be Stations of the Cross through the week- immediately after morning Mass on Thursday in Northbay and on Friday in Vatersay. Also there will be Stations of the Cross at 7.30pm on Wednesday after the evening Mass in Craigston.
Recent Deaths: we pray for the soul of FLORA DYNES (Florag a geraich) who peacefully died in St. Brendan’s Home on Friday 2nd March at the age of 90. Flora was from Eriskay and her remains will be taken over for a Requiem Mass on Tuesday 6th March at 11am in St. Michaels on Eriskay.
We pray for the soul of NEIL CAMPBELL (Niall Dhunnachaidh of Vatersay) who died in a Home in London, Neil had lived there for many years and he passed away on Friday 2nd March at the age of 80. It is hoped that one day Neil’s remains will be laid to rest on Vatersay.
We also pray for the repose of the soul of DONALD ALEXANDER MACKINNON (Domhnall Alec Nialltaidh of Eoligarry). Domhnall had lived for many years down in Bognor Regis on the Sussex Coast and he peacefully passed away on the 23rd February at the age of 93- his requiem will take place down in England.
Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shone upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen.
SCIAF Collection: next Sunday is the 4th Sunday of Lent and we focus our thoughts and prayers on the work of SCIAF- we will take up a special collection for SCIAF next Sunday.
SCIAF Wee Boxes: As part of a Lenten journey of Almsgiving, we help to support our Scottish Catholic charity of SCIAF. Please pick up a “Wee Box” and take it home with you.
Rosary: an important prayer to say during Lent is the Rosary and of course there is special focus on the Sorrowful mysteries of the Rosary.
World Day of Prayer: Thank you to everyone who came along and helped and also thanks to those who helped prepare the refreshments in Hall. Moran Taing!
BBC ALBA: keep an eye out for the programme Trusadh- Traisg is Càisg “The Season of Lent”. A lovely Gaelic programme on the meaning of Lent from the catholic parishes of the islands.
Chrism Mass: will be on Wednesday 21st March at 7pm in St. Columba’s Cathedral in Oban. Bishop Brian invites all parishioners from around the diocese to come along to this important Mass.