Bhileag 3rd March 2019
Ash Wednesday: this coming Wednesday (6th March) is the beginning of the holy penitential season of LENT. We begin Lent with Ash Wednesday. Marking our foreheads with the sign of the Cross in Ash -to remind ourselves that through our humanity we are sinners and we are always in need of God’s forgiveness. Ash Wednesday is a day of Fast and Abstinence. As well as the three Masses- there will be four services which you are also welcome to attend and receive your ashes;
12 Noon Castlebay School
12.45pm Cobhair Bharraigh
2.00pm Eoligarry School
2.30pm St. Brendan’s Home & Hospital
Vatersay Sunday Mass: today there will be Mass in Our Lady of the Waves at 4.00pm.
Sacraments Class: on Tuesdays at 2.50pm-3.30pm in Castlebay Primary school.
Stations of the Cross: An important custom in Lent is praying the Stations of the Cross. So please note in the newsletter when Stations of the Cross will be.
Old Borve Graveyard: Fr. John Paul will be organising a meeting to discuss the “old Borve graveyard”. If you have an interest in “being hands on” in looking after the future of the Graveyard then think about coming along. A date, time and place of the meeting will be announced soon.
Lent Prayer Books: Lent is a good time to do extra prayers and read more spiritual books. There are some prayer books for sale at the church entrance. All books are £1
SCIAF Boxes: an important part of LENT is almsgiving. One thing we do each year is take home a SCIAF box and fill in with money and return the box to church on Holy Thursday of Holy week. Please take a SCIAF Wee Box home with you.
Sacrament of Confession: another important part of Lent is seeking God’s mercy and forgiveness in the sacrament of confession. Confessions are always available on Saturday from 9.30am-9.50am in Castlebay and from 5.15pm-5.45pm in Craigston. Also on a Sunday morning from 9am-9.15am in Northbay. Announcements of other opportunities for Confession during Lent will be announced.
Friday 8th March: the Mass on Vatersay at 10.00am will be a Mass in which special prayers are offered for those who have suffered abuse. The Bishop’s of Scotland have agreed that throughout Scotland, the Friday following Ash Wednesday should be a “Day of Prayer for those who have suffered abuse”. After the Mass there will be Stations of the Cross and our intention for the Stations of the cross is to pray for those whose cross is heavy because of abuse.