Bhileag 30th August 2020
Sunday & Weekday Masses: to attend any Mass you must contact with Canon John Paul to see if there is availability at Mass. Please phone or email Canon John Paul.
If the weekend Masses are busy you could try and attend Mass through the week . Please try and get in touch with Canon John Paul sooner rather than later about attending Mass.
It makes things easier if there are “household bubbles” who can be together on a pew. So think about if you can sit with someone and use that space in the church.
As always if you feel uncomfortable about going back to Church just now during this Coronavirus pandemic -then please don’t go. If you have any hesitation the simple answer is to stay at home and continue to watch Mass online. There is no pressure to go. The Bishops of Scotland have suspended the Sunday Obligation of going to Mass for the time being.
Also if you feel you have any symptoms of COVID-19 – like a new continuous cough; a high fever; loss or change in sense of smell or taste then please DO NOT go to Church- instead stay home & isolate.
Fr. John Paul: please note that Fr. John Paul will be away at the end of this week- from Friday 4th September till Monday 14th September. While he is away Fr David Stewart will be looking after the parish and the Masses. We all know Fr. David as he has been faithfully coming each year to the parish to let Fr John Paul away for a break. Normally he would be here in August but instead he will be here for the first part of September. Fr. David is a Jesuit Priest from Renfrew who has been working in a parish in London for the last few years but now his ministry takes him back to Scotland. We look forward to welcoming back Fr David to the island next weekend.
Gift Aid Envelopes: please note that Gift Aid envelopes are available. They can be collected in Northbay Church and Castlebay Church. If you have a gift aid envelope then pop along to the church when it is open and collect your own. Sunday and Monday for Castlebay church and Sunday & Thursday for Northbay church. Sadly with the chaos of the Coronavirus and the Masses being suspended for so long there are lots of things we are slowly catching up with. So if you have an envelope then please pick it up. If you normally use an envelope and you have now begun a standing order with the parish then please continue with the standing order and therefore you will not need the envelopes.
Face coverings at Mass: you now have to wear a face covering at Mass. If you have a health condition that prevents you from wearing one, that’s fine. Also those under 5 do not need to wear a face covering
Housebound visits: if any of the housebound would like a visit from Canon John Paul -can they phone him so that a day and time can be arranged for a visit. We are only in phase 3 of this coming out of “lockdown” in our country and we still have to be very careful about looking after one another especially the elderly. However if any of the housebound (Lapaich) would like a short visit from Canon John Paul with the sacraments please let him know and he will be happy to visit – following all safety government guidelines.
New Dawn Conference in Scotland: For the past 11 years, each August in St. Andrews on the east coast there has been a “New Dawn” conference which brings together Catholic families, youth, priests, Bishops and religious into the one place and a three day conference of various Talks, of Holy Mass, of Adoration of the blessed Sacrament takes place. Of course this summer we all face “lockdown” because of the Coronavirus pandemic and therefore the “New dawn” conference will go virtual. The virtual “New Dawn conference” will be from the 28th-30th August. For more details and information check website– or
or visit Youtube at New Dawn in Scotland channel.
Mon 31st Aug…No Mass
Tue 1st Sep…10am EOLIGARRY
Wed 2nd Sep..12Noon CRAIGSTON
Thur 3rd Sep…10am NORTHBAY
Fri 4th Sep…No Mass
Sat 5th Sep..No Mass
5th & 6th September 2020
23rd Sunday of Year A
Vigil Masses
4pm & 6pm CRAIGSTON
Sunday Masses