Star of the Sea, Castlebay, The Isle of Barra. HS9 5XD.
Phone 01871 810267
Email Addres

Bhileag 13th September 2020

Sunday & Weekday Masses: to attend any Mass you must contact Canon John Paul to see if there is availability at Mass. Please phone or email Canon John Paul.

If the weekend Masses are busy you could try and attend Mass through the week. Please try and get in touch with Canon John Paul sooner rather than later about attending Mass.

It makes things easier if there are “household bubbles” who can sit together on a pew. So think about if you can sit with someone and use that space in the church.

As always if you feel uncomfortable about going back to Church just now during this Coronavirus pandemic -then please don’t go. If you have any hesitation the simple answer is to stay at home and continue to watch Mass online. There is no pressure to go. The Bishops of Scotland have suspended the Sunday Obligation of going to Mass for the time being.

Face Coverings must also be worn at each Mass now. If you have a health condition that prevents you from wearing one, that’s fine. Also those under 5 do not need to wear a face covering

Also if you feel you have any symptoms of  COVID-19 – like a new continuous cough; a high fever; loss or change in sense of smell or taste then please DO NOT go to Church- instead stay home & isolate.


Recent Baptism: we warmly welcome into t he family of the Church Frederick James MacLeod who was baptised on Sunday 6th September in St. Barr’s Church in Northbay by Fr. David Stewart. We wish Freddy’s parents Kieran & Charlotte and the Godparents every health, happiness and blessings.


Fr. David Stewart: will be heading away back to the mainland on Tuesday 15th September. We thank Fr David for looking after the Masses and the parishes while Fr. John Paul was away. We hope he enjoyed his break and that we will see him soon again.


Fr. John Paul: will be back tomorrow- Monday 14th September.


Vocations awareness week: this coming  week  the church offers special prayers for more Vocations to the Priesthood, to the religious life and to the permanent Diaconate. Let us keep that prayer intention in mind especially praying for more Vocations our Diocese of Argyll the Isles.


Ecclesiastical Students fund: today there will be a special collection for supporting those who are studying for the Priesthood for our Diocese. At present we have Philip Bua studying in Rome for our Diocese. Philip enters his 3rd year of the Beda College in Rome and hopefully in June 2021 he will be ordained a deacon and then hopefully in 2022 will be ordained a priest. We keep Philip in all our prayers in these important years in Seminary.


SCIAF: this year with the problem of “lockdown” it was difficult to gather all the SCIAF wee boxes or to have a proper special collection. If you still have a “wee box” at home please hand it in during this month of September. Hand into the church or chapel house. On the weekend of 26th/27th September we will take up a special collection for SCIAF.


Gift Aid Envelopes: please note that Gift Aid envelopes are available. They can be collected in Northbay Church and  Castlebay Church. If you have a gift aid envelope  then pop along to the church when it is open and collect your own. Sunday and Monday for Castlebay church and Sunday & Thursday for Northbay church.


Mon14th Sep…No Mass

Tue 15th Sep….10am  EOLIGARRY

Wed 16th Sep.12 Noon CRAIGSTON

Thur 17th Sep..10am  NORTHBAY

Fri 18th Sep…10am VATERSAY

Sat 19th Sep..  No Mass



19th & 20th September  2020

25th Sunday of Year A

Saturday Vigil Masses

4pm & 6pm   CRAIGSTON

Sunday Masses

9.30am   NORTHBAY

11.30am  CASTLEBAY