Bhileag 25th April 2021
Reserve a seat for Mass: sadly it is one of those annoying things just now that we have to do- to book a seat for Mass. We are familiar with what to do now. If you wish to go to Mass please phone /text /email Canon John Paul and let him know which Mass you would like to go to. If there is a particular Mass you simply want to place your name down for each week then please let Canon Jon Paul and this can be arranged. Also on a Wednesday & Thursday it’s fine to turn up and just sign in at the Church door. Please note that there is no Sunday Obligation at the moment. Therefore you can treat a weekday Mass as your Sunday Mass just now.
Recent Funerals: we remember in our prayers the repose of the soul of Angela MacLeod of Glen who suddenly and peacefully passed away on Saturday 17th April in her own home at the age of 62. It came as a shock to the island as Angela had enjoyed a lovely day last Saturday walking with friends over on Vatersay but when she returned home she peacefully passed away. Angela’s Requiem Mass took place on Monday 19th April in Our Lady Star of the Sea and thereafter Angela was laid to rest in Cuithir Cemetery. We extend our prayers of love and sympathy to all Angela’s family at this sad time Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in peace. Amen.
We also pray for the repose of the soul of Donald MacNeil (Domhnall Mhicheil) of Eoligarry who passed away on Thursday 22nd April at the age of 86 in his own home in Eoligarry. Donald’s Requiem Mass took place on Saturday 24th April in St. Vincent’s Church in Eoligarry and thereafter was laid to rest in Eoligarry graveyard. Eternal rest grant unto him O lord and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen.
World day of prayer for Vocations: today is the 4th Sunday of Easter and it is known as Good Shepherd Sunday and also called Vocations Sunday. Bishop Brian has written a short message which Canon John Paul will read out at all the Masses this weekend. We pray today in a special way for those who are discerning a vocation to the Priesthood, Religious life or permanent Diaconate. We pray in a special way for our own Diocese of Argyll & the Isles- we pray for more vocations to the Priesthood. At the moment we have one man in Seminary for the Diocese. Philip Bua is studying in the Beda College in Rome. Philip will be ordained a Deacon on 10th June this year in Rome and then a year later will be ordained a Priest for our Diocese which is wonderful news. Our prayers are with Philip as he prepares to become a deacon. Sadly after Philip we have no one studying for the Priesthood for the Diocese which is sad news. However we can all play our important part in praying for more men and women to be helped in their Vocation especially towards the Priesthood and religious life. Let us all keep our important prayers going!
Borve Graveyard Committee: Canon John Paul will organise a meeting this week for the committee to be established.
Prayers for the Faithful departed: We remember those whose anniversaries which occur about now…..John Martin Campbell (St. Brendan’s Road), Neil MacDougall (Brevig), Ealasaid “Mickety” MacNeil (Vatersay) Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen.
Gift Aid Envelopes: please pick up your gift aid envelopes if you are signed up for Parish Gift Aid. If anyone is interested in signing up for parish Gift Aid then please speak with Canon John Paul. If you pay tax you can give you Sunday collection as Gift Aid. You can also sign up for gift aid and instead of using an envelope you can set up a monthly bank transfer to either Castlebay parish or Northbay Parish. It is a quick and easy way for the parish to receive extra money. Please give it your consideration as it has been a difficult year financially for the parishes and Gift Aid is certainly a good way to support.
First Holy Communions. The Children are now preparing for their Sacrament classes and preparing for their first Confession and first Holy Communion. Of course there were no First Communions last year so we now have P5 & P4 preparing for the Sacraments this year. We keep all the children in our prayers in their preparations.
Monday 26th April..No Mass
Tuesday 27th April…10.00am EOLIGARRY
Wednesday 28thApril..12 Noon CRAIGSTON
Thursday 29th April.. 10.00am NORTHBAY
Friday 30th April……10.00am VATERSAY
Saturday 1st May… No Mass
1st & 2nd May 2021
5th Sunday of Easter
Vigil Mass…..4pm & 6pm CRAIGSTON
Sunday Masses… 9.30am NORTHBAY