Bhileag 24th January 2021
Churches Closed & No Public Mass: Sadly with the increase of positive Covid-19 cases on the island (47 cases and many more people isolating) the Scottish Government has placed our islands of Barra & Vatersay into Tier 4 with the rest of mainland Scotland. Therefore the priority is to STAY AT HOME. Now that we are in Tier 4 all the Churches on the island are now closed and you cannot enter them. There is no public Mass until further notice. The Scottish Government will review things on Tuesday 2nd February.
Parish Newsletter / Bhileag: Canon John Paul will leave copies of the Bhileag- the Church Newsletter in Buth Bhuidsear each Saturday morning. Also the newsletter can be found on the parish website or St Barr’s facebook.
Canon John Paul: has been fortunate that he has managed to avoid the outbreak of Covid-19 on the island. He is keeping well and doing what the rest on the island is doing and staying at home. He is remembering you all in a special way in his prayers and in his own private Masses in Our Lady Star of the Sea. He is praying for those who are unwell with Covid-19 on the island and praying for their quick recovery and praying that as quickly the virus came upon our island that it may disappear just as quick. Let us keep strong and keep faith and look after each other in these difficult times. In our time of isolation in our homes let us use our time of isolation to pray more and to pray for each other and to pray for our islands to be kept safe.
Bishop Brian and many of our Diocesan Priests and many other people who have a connection with the island have been in contact with Canon John Paul to offer their prayers of love and support to the island during this outbreak of Covid-19. We greatly appreciate the prayers and love of all who are thinking about our islands at this time. Moran Taing!
Holy Mass on line: please remember that we can watch Sunday Mass (or daily Mass) on line. Bishop Brian in Oban celebrates daily Mass on the Diocesan Facebook /Youtube channel at 10am. You can find lots of parishes around Scotland live streaming their Masses.
Church Private Prayer: Now that we are in Tier 4 you cannot go to the Church for private prayer. Please stay at home and pray in the comfort and safety of your homes.
Prayers for the Faithful departed: we remember in our prayers the repose of the soul of Brenda Campbell of Kilmarnock and Barra (Glen) who passed away recently in Kilmarnock. Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord. Amen.
We also pray for the repose of the souls of Archbishop Philip Tartaglia of Glasgow and retired Bishop Vincent Logan of Dunkeld who died recently. May they rest in peace. Amen.
We also remember those whose anniversaries which occur about now- William MacInnes (Eoligarry), Hugh MacIntyre, Katie MacIntyre, Katie Douglas (Leinish), Angus John MacIntyre (Brevig), Donald John MacIntyre (Brevig), Micheal MacLeod (Scurrival), Archie MacLean (Eoligarry), Mary Catherine MacLeod (Scurrival), Fiona McClements (Earsary), Donald Edward MacLean (Allasdale & Vatersay), Mary Bell Bezer (Manchester), Donald Patrick Sinclair (Horve). Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen.
BARRA 200 CLUB: Sadly it has been decided for this year of 2021 that we will not gather the subscriptions for the Barra 200 Club and that there will be no draws this year. Now that we are in Tier 4 and that we have had our first Covid-19 cases on the island it is important that people stay at home and keep safe. Therefore please do not leave any subscription money at the Post office or in the usual places. Thank you for the support that you have always given to the Barra 200 Club. Keep safe!
Monday 25th Jan…….No Mass
Tuesday 26th Jan….No Mass
Wednesday 27th Jan…..No Mass
Thursday 28th Jan…..No Mass
Friday 29th Jan……….No Mass
Saturday 30th Jan…..No Mass
30th & 31st January 2021
4th Sunday of Year B
Saturday Vigil Masses…. No Mass
Sunday Masses……….. No Mass