Star of the Sea, Castlebay, The Isle of Barra. HS9 5XD.
Phone 01871 810267
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Bhileag 21st November 2021

The Season of Advent: it amazing to think that next weekend (27th/28th November) will be the start of Advent and the start of preparations for Christmas. A new Church year begins next week. So let us embrace a new Church year by entering fully into Advent by making every effort to come along to Sunday Mass (or even Mass through the week)  and meditate ourselves on the lovely scripture readings for Advent. Advent is such a short season in the Church and yet a very beautiful season as we light a candle each week on the Advent Wreath and let the light of Christ penetrate deep into our churches, our homes and each of our hearts.


November Lists: One of the lovely things we can do during the month of November is to pray for our faithful departed. The Month of November is often called the Month of the Holy Souls. There are November Lists with envelopes available at the Church entrance. Please write down on the lists the names of any deceased family, relatives, friends or parishioners you would like to remember and pray for. Once you have filled in your list please place the list in the envelope provided along with your offering. These envelopes will then be placed upon the Altar at every holy Mass and those names you have written will be remembered at the Altar of God at each Mass.


Graveyard Rosary: during the month of November the Holy Rosary will be prayed at 3.00pm on:-

Sunday 21st November at Eoligarry Cemetery   

Sunday 28th November at Borve Cemetery.

If the weather is very poor then we will say the Rosary in the nearest Church!


The Scottish Catholic magazine: the latest edition of the Catholic magazine is now available at the church entrance. The price is £2.


Special Collection: this weekend there will be a second collection for Scottish Catholic Education in Scotland (SCES).


Parish Dues: about this time of the year parishioners can hand in their “Parish Dues” to the church.



Mon 22nd November…….No Mass

Tues 23rd November…….10.00am  EOLIGARRY

Wed 24th November….. 12 Noon  CRAIGSTON

Thurs 25th November…..10.00am  NORTHBAY

Fri 26th November…….10.00am VATERSAY

Sat 27th November……10.00am CASTLEBAY



27th & 28th November  2021

1st Sunday of Advent Year C

Vigil Mass………  6.00pm   CRAIGSTON

Sunday Masses…..9.30am    NORTHBAY

                                  11.30am  CASTLEBAY