Star of the Sea, Castlebay, The Isle of Barra. HS9 5XD.
Phone 01871 810267
Email Addres

Bhileag 21st March 2021

Churches  reopen for Public Mass: Next weekend 27th/28th March our Churches will once again reopen and we will celebrate public Holy Mass. We begin next weekend with Palm Sunday. The Sunday Mass times will be the same as before the lockdown -4pm & 6pm Vigil Mass in Craigston; 9.30am Sunday Mass in Northbay & 11.30am Sunday Mass in Castlebay. However there may be  some slight changes for Easter weekend!!


Reserve seat for Mass: if you wish to go to any Mass you will once again have to reserve a seat. It is a bit of a nuisance doing this but it has to be done for “track and trace” purposes. Therefore please contact Canon John Paul-phone or text or email  and say which Mass you would like to go to.


Fr. Eric: Canon John Paul had hoped that Fr Eric might return to the island and help with holy week but sadly Fr Eric who is based in the Jesuit Community in Edinburgh cannot come because of the strict lockdown restrictions just now.


Holy Week Masses: Canon John Paul will be on his own for Holy Week. Sadly that means that not everyone will be able to attend the holy week Masses as there will be the restrictions of only 50 being able to attend a Mass. Please get in contact with Canon John Paul (sooner rather than later) and check availability for the Holy Week Masses.  A timetable of Holy Week Masses will be produced for next weekend. At the moment it looks like Holy Thursday evening, Good Friday (3pm) & Holy Saturday Easter Vigil & Easter Sunday will be in Castlebay Church. Good Friday evening and Easter Sunday there will be Mass in Northbay. Please note all five churches will be open and even though we may not be able to go to one of the Masses we can still go to our local church in Holy week and offer our own prayers.


Holy Mass on TV: today the 5th Sunday of Lent ( 21st March) Canon William MacLean of Stornoway parish will celebrate a Mass which will be shown at 12 Noon on BBC Scotland.


Gift Aid envelopes: the new batch of Parish Gift Aid envelopes have arrived for this new finance year. Once the Masses resume the envelopes will be brought to the church and can be picked up there


SCIAF Wee Boxes: can be handed into the Church from Holy Thursday (1st April) onwards.


Stations of the Cross & the Rosary: an important prayer for Lent is the Stations of the Cross. Let us make that time especially on a Friday to pray the Stations of the Cross. If anyone needs a booklet for the Stations please get in contact. Also normally on a Tuesday & Friday we pray the Sorrowful mysteries of the Rosary. Why not use this Lent to pray the Rosary especially on a Tuesday or a Friday and meditate on the sorrowful mysteries of the Rosary  1. The Agony of Jesus  in the Garden of  Gethsemane   2. The scourging of Jesus at the pillar   3. The Crowning with thorns   4. The carrying of the Cross   5. The Crucifixion and death of our Lord.


Prayers for the Faithful departed: we pray for the repose of the soul of  Brigid McGee, who was the mother of Bishop Brian McGee, who peacefully passed away on Tuesday 16th March in Greenock at the age of 82. We extend our prayers of love and sympathy to Bishop Brian and to his sister Brona. Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in peace. Amen.

We remember in our prayers the repose of the soul of Iain MacIntyre (“Iain Aoidh” of Barra & Coatbridge) who died on Friday 12th March in Coatbridge at the age of 90. The funeral will take place in Coatbridge. We extend our prayers and sympathy to all the family especially to Iain’s sister Floraidh in Allasdale. May he rest in peace. Amen

We also remember in our prayers the repose of the soul of Chrissie Turner of  “Taigh Mor Bhain” in Glen who passed away while in Hospital in Stornoway last weekend  at the wonderful age of 96. Chrissie will be laid to rest in Cuithir Cemetery on Saturday 20th March. May she rest in peace. Amen.

We remember those whose anniversaries which occur about now….Iagan Campbell (St. Brendan’s Road); Anne Campbell (Horve); John MacKinnon (Eoligarry); Thomas McCormick (Nask), Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen.


Financial support to the Parish: Maybe you would like to support the parish through a bank transfer. The Parish account details are as follows………

RCD Argyll & the Isles  Castlebay Mission  Account No: 65627538   Sort code: 839125   Coop Bank

RCD Argyll & the Isles  Northbay Mission  Account No:  65628061  Sort Code: 839125  Coop Bank



No Weekday Mass until Monday 29th March



27th  & 28th  March  2021

Palm Sunday- Year B

Saturday Vigil Masses… 4pm  &  6pm  CRAIGSTON

Sunday Masses…………..  9.30am   NORTHBAY

                                                 11.30am  CASTLEBAY