Star of the Sea, Castlebay, The Isle of Barra. HS9 5XD.
Phone 01871 810267
Email Addres

Bhileag 19th September

Special Collection: this weekend (18th/19th September) we will take up a special collection for the Ecclesiastical Students fund. A fund which supports those who are studying for the Priesthood for our Diocese. At present we only have Deacon Philip Bua studying in the Beda College in Rome.


Deacon Philip Bua: on Tuesday 21st September Deacon Philip leaves Stornoway parish for Glasgow and then he flies to Rome to finish his last year of studies in the Beda College. Let us keep Philip in our prayers as he concludes his last year of studies and prepares for his Ordination in June 2022.


Attending Mass in the Parish: just turn up at the Church and just sign in at the Church Porch with your name & telephone number (for track & trace purposes) and sit anywhere you want in the church. We keep a face covering on at all times in the church unless you have an exemption.


Sanitising the Church: after every Mass the pews in Church need to be wiped down with Anti-bacterial spray or wipes. If you can help just remain behind after Mass. Canon John Paul is so grateful to all those who give of their time to help sanitise all our churches on the island. Moran Taing!


Altar servers: Canon John Paul will soon be looking for Altar servers to start helping at Mass.


Welcome: to Fr. Liam McMahon from St. Michael’s parish in Glasgow who arrives on Tuesday. Fr. Liam has visited the island often and he will be staying for the next week. We hope he enjoys his “wee break” on the island.


Visiting Confessor: why not make good use of Fr. Liam’s visit to the island and think about the sacrament of confession. Fr. Liam will be available next Saturday (25th September) at 9.30am in Castlebay church or at 12 noon in Northbay church.


St. Brendan’s Home: Canon John Paul has once again started to celebrate Mass in St. Brendan’s Home. It has been over 18 months since the last Mass was celebrated there. The Mass  is now on a Friday afternoon. At the moment it is Mass just for the residents & staff of St. Brendan’s Home. Hopefully in the near future we may open it up to others but for the time being during these “Covid times” it will just be for the residents & staff.



Mon 20th September….No Mass

Tue 21st September…..10.00am  EOLIGARRY

(Feast of St. Matthew)

Wed 22nd  September…..12 Noon CRAIGSTON

Thur 23rd September…..10.00am  NORTHBAY

(Feast of St. Padre Pio)

Fri 24th September…….10.00am  VATERSAY

Sat 25th September………. 10.00am  CASTLEBAY 



25th & 26th September  2021

26th  Sunday of Year B

Saturday Vigil Mass….6.00pm   CRAIGSTON

Sunday Masses………..9.30am    NORTHBAY

                                       11.30am  CASTLEBAY