Star of the Sea, Castlebay, The Isle of Barra. HS9 5XD.
Phone 01871 810267
Email Addres

Bhileag 19th May 2019

Rosary & Benediction: today there will be Rosary and Benediction in Our Lady Star of the Sea at 4pm.


Lapaich: Fr. John Paul will visit the housebound this coming week. Monday in Glen, Brevig and Castlebay. Tuesday in Eoligarry and Northbay. Wednesday in Castlebay, Borve and Craigston. Please let Fr. John Paul know if there is anyone needing the priest to visit them with the sacraments.


First Holy Communions: this year the First Holy Communions will be over 2 weekends. The Northbay children – Erin MacNeil, Robbie Campbell & Domhnall Eachann MacLean will make their First  Holy Communion on Sunday 16th June during the 9.30am Mass in St. Barr’s. Then on Sunday 23rd June the Castlebay children-Liam Paterson, Anthony Gillies & Lewis Walker will make their first  Holy Communion during the 11.30am Mass in Our Lady Star of the Sea. Please remember these children in your prayers as they prepare to receive their Lord Jesus in Holy Communion for the first time.


Fr. Emmanuel: will return from his Easter holiday on Wednesday and then he will head to St. Mary’s parish in Fort William to help look after the parish there for a month. Mgr Donald MacKinnon has retired from the parish and Bishop Brian will appoint someone to replace him at the end of the month of June- therefore in the meantime Fr. Emmanuel will look after the parish  of Fort William till the announcement.

In the past 6 months we have had 3 priests retire from the Diocese- Mgr Donald MacKinnon in Fort William, Canon Billy Fraser in Taynuilt and Fr. Joe Calleja in Dunoon- that’s a lot for a small Diocese. We need to keep our prayers going for more Vocations for the Priesthood for our diocese.


Xaverian Mission Appeal: Fr. Stephen McKend thanks everyone for making him feel so welcome to the island and thanks everyone for their support in last Sunday’s Special collection.


Month of May: is the month of Our Lady and important prayer we can all say anytime and anywhere is the powerful prayer of the Rosary- Rosary will be prayed after daily Mass- Tuesday to Friday at 10.30am.


Church Grass cutting– Fr John Paul wishes to thank those who go out of their way to look after the grounds of each of our churches around the island -especially in grass-cutting. It is very much appreciated.


Northbay Gift Aid: Fr John Paul would like to check who has gift aid number 29 and 42 in Northbay to update records.