Star of the Sea, Castlebay, The Isle of Barra. HS9 5XD.
Phone 01871 810267
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Bhileag 15th July 2018

Warm Welcome: a warm welcome to all visitors to the island and to our parishes. We wish all our visitors happy holidays.

Sea Sunday Collection: At the Fisherman’s Mass last Sunday the sum of  £750.00 was collected and will be given to the Apostleship of the Sea. Moran Taing!

Fisherman’s Mass & Blessing of Boats: Fr. John Paul would like to thank everyone who helped set up the Fisherman’s Mass. A lot of hard work goes on behind the scenes. Thanks to Barratlantic for their support in providing a lorry trailer and also for the herring. Thank you to all the Fishermen who brought their boats along for the blessing. Thank you to the choir, musicians, Altar servers, readers and to the clergy who came along. It was another beautiful celebration. May God bless all our Fishermen and their boats and all our Seafarers.

Eoligarry Vigil Mass: next Saturday 21st July there will be the extra Vigil Mass at 4.00pm in St. Vincent’s in Eoligarry.

Apostleship of the Sea Chaplain: Bishop Brian recently appointed Rev. Martin Matheson over in South Uist as a Chaplain to the Apostleship of the Sea in the Western Isles. We wish Rev. Martin every blessing in this good work.

Fr. Emmanuel Alagbaoso: Bishop Brian has appointed Fr. Emmanuel as an assistant priest to Barra & Vatersay and therefore will be helping Fr. John Paul for the next couple of years. Fr. Emmanuel will come to the island for the weekend of 28th/29th July and we look forward to welcoming him to the island. Fr Emmanuel lives in the parish of St. Mun’s in Dunoon.   Fr. John Paul will travel down next week to pick up Fr Emmanuel and take him to Barra.

Bishops Fund collection: today we will take up a 2nd collection in support of the Bishop’s Fund- a special fund  in helping support Bishop Brian in the Diocese.

Peter’s Pence: next Sunday we will take up a second collection for Peter’s Pence which is a special charity close to Pope Francis.