Bhileag 10th April 2022
Mon 11th April ……10.00am VATERSAY
Tues 12th April…..10.00am EOLIGARRY
Wed 13th April …..12 Noon CRAIGSTON
Holy Thursday 14th April….. 7.30pm NORTHBAY
(Mass of the Lord’s Last Supper)
Good Friday 15th April..3.00pm CASTLEBAY
(The Passion of Our Lord Jesus)
7.00pm NORTHBAY (Stations of the Cross)
Holy Saturday 16th April …….. No morning Mass
16th & 17th APRIL 2022
Easter Sunday
Easter Vigil Mass……. *8.45pm CRAIGSTON
(please note the time!!)
Easter Sunday Masses…9.30am NORTHBAY
Holy Week: Over the years Canon John Paul has been very fortunate to have another Priest helping him for Holy week Masses/services/confessions. Sadly this year he will be on his own and this will probably be the norm from now on with the lack of Priests.
Please note the Masses for this Holy Week. Holy Thursday evening Mass will in Northbay at 7.30pm. On Good Friday the Passion of our Lord will be in Castlebay at 3pm and then in the evening there will be Stations of the Cross in Northbay at 7pm. The Easter Vigil will be in Craigston at 8.45pm. Easter Sunday will be 9.30am in Northbay and 11.30am in Castlebay. Let us embrace this holy week and come to as many of the Masses as we can and receive those graces and blessings at such a holy time.
Sacrament of Confession: we are now entering Holy Week and a beautiful way to embrace Holy Week is to go to the sacrament of confession. Canon John Paul will be available on:
Monday 11th April from 6pm-6.45pm in Castlebay Church
Tuesday 12th April from 3pm-3.45pm in Northbay Church.
Wednesday 13th April from 6pm-6.45pm in Craigston Church
Saturday 16th April 9.30am-10am in Castlebay & 12Noon -12.30pm in Northbay
Stations of the Cross: There will be Stations of the Cross today (Palm Sunday) in St. Brendan’s Craigston at 4.00pm
Good Friday: is a very important day and is a day of fast and abstinence. A day we refrain from eating meat and from eating too much. A day we focus on the Cross and the great sacrifice of our Lord.
Good Friday Collection: will be as usual for the African Missions & Holy Places.
SCIAF Boxes: can start to be handed into the church from Holy Thursday (14th April).
Housebound/Lapaich: Canon John Paul will visit some of the housebound this week. As always just get in touch with him if you would like a visit.
Gift Aid Envelopes: the new sets of Parish Gift Aid envelopes are available in the Church. Please remember if you pay tax you are welcome to sign up for Gift Aid. Please think about it!
Memorial Mass: please note that on Tuesday 19th April at 10am in St. Vincent’s in Eoligarry there will be a Memorial Mass in memory of the late Alane Harvey (Buchanan) of Kentangaval/Eoligarry & Kidderminster. Alane died on the 15th August 2019 in England and it had always been the plan to bring her ashes back to Barra and for a Mass to be celebrated in Eoligarry Church.