Bhileag- Sunday 7th January 2018
Special Collection: please note there will be a special collection this weekend for Justice and peace. A letter will be read out at all Sunday Masses on behalf of Bishop Bill Nolan who is the Bishop President of Justice & Peace in Scotland.
Crib Collection/Holy Childhood: we will take up a special collection next Sunday for the Crib Collection which is for the Missionary Childhood.
Castlebay Church Cleaners: a new rota will be made up soon however would anyone like to add their name to the cleaners Rota? We are always looking for more helpers to add their names to the list. If you have the time and would like to help look after Our Lady Star of the Sea please let Fr. John Paul know.
Castlebay Readers Rota: please pick up the latest rota. If anyone would like to help out with readings at Mass especially with Gaelic readings could you speak with Fr. John Paul.
Fr. John Paul: will be away Monday to Friday this week for a few days break. He can always be contacted on his mobile phone or by email.
Lapaich: Fr. John Paul will make his housebound visits in the week beginning 15th January.
Fatima Holy Hour: last year the “holy hour for Our Lady of Fatima” was very successful.
Fr. John Paul would like to continue to do this Holy Hour again this year- on the 13th Day of each month at 12 Noon there will be Rosary and Exposition in St. Vincent’s in Eoligarry. Therefore next Saturday 13th January there will be the Fatima Holy Hour at 12 noon.
Borve Graveyard: the committee would like to thank the Sunday Whist Club for their donation of £500
Sunday & Daily Mass on the TV or Ipad: we live in a Digital World where the TV/ Ipad / Iphone / computers are in most homes. For those who cannot get to Mass on a Sunday or even during week have you ever looked up the EWTN channel on SKY TV- channel 589. It is an American Catholic Channel which has Mass at 1.00pm and repeated again at 6pm. The Mass is celebrated with the Franciscan Friars who dedicate their ministry to the eternal word of God and to spreading the Word of God through TV and computers. As well as daily Mass there are many other interesting and prayerful programmes on EWTN to deepen our faith. Check out SKY channel 589- EWTN.
Also on the ipad/ iphone if you google you will find a site which streams daily Mass from various churches around the UK, Ireland and Northern Ireland. There are 5 churches in Scotland which are used for daily Mass including the Cathedral in Glasgow. If you have an Ipad and have good broadband connection why not check it out so that you feel a part of the Holy Mass that day!