Bhileag 9th December 2018
Advent Season: we have now entered the season of Advent, the beginning of a new church year and of course we are preparing for the great feast of Christmas. Advent is a time to prepare ourselves for the coming of the infant King into our hearts, homes and parishes. Advent is a good time to say some extra prayers -why not pick up the prayer reflection booklet “Walk with me” or “My day by Day” scripture booklet. Advent is a good time to be more faithful in going to Sunday Mass or why not go to a weekday Mass. A good time to seek the gift of God’s mercy and forgiveness in the Sacrament of Confession. As St. John the Baptist proclaims in the Gospel on this 2nd Sunday of Advent- “Prepare a way for the Lord”. There are some Advent prayer books for Adults and children available at the church entrance priced £1.
Fatima Holy Hour: on Tuesday (11th Dec) there will be the Fatima Holy Hour in Eoligarry at 10am. The Holy hour will consist of Mass & Rosary & Exposition. A perfect way to prepare for Christmas- spending more time in prayer and praying to Our Lady to help us “prepare a way” for the Lord Jesus into our hearts, homes and parishes at this holy time of Advent.
Lapaich: Fr. John Paul will visit the housebound this week, Monday & Wednesday in Castlebay Parish and Tuesday in Eoligarry & Northbay.
Eoligarry Vigil Mass: next Saturday (15th Dec) there will be the extra Vigil Mass at 4pm in St. Vincent de Paul’s in Eoligarry.
Church Dues: About this time of the year “Church Dues” are usually handed in.
Diocesan financial Deficit: Please pick up the Diocesan handout and consider yourself the suggested ways in which you can help the Diocese. Basically Bishop Brian is encouraging us to put an extra £1 into the collection each Sunday from now on.
Castlebay Altar Servers: a rota for the children to serve in Castlebay Church is being put together.
Deanery Meeting: this coming Thursday Fr. John Paul & Fr. Emmanuel will attend a meeting of the clergy on Eriskay (weather permitting).