Bhileag 6th October 2019
The Month of October: is a month in which we are encouraged to pray the Holy Rosary more often. After morning Mass Tuesday- Friday the Rosary will be prayed after Mass. Also there will be Sunday October Devotions beginning next Sunday 13th October. St. Padre Pio powerfully said “Love Our Lady and pray the rosary, for her the rosary is the weapon against the evils of the World today”.
Lapaich: Fr. John Paul will visit the housebound this coming week on the usual days. Monday & Wednesday in Castlebay and on Tuesday in Eoligarry & Northbay.
Special Collection: next weekend for Pastoral Formation of the Diocese.
Borve Graveyard: Sadly more parts of the wall of the graveyard have broken down and there is an urgent need to put up a fence. Instead of putting a fence in the parts of where there is a break in the wall – there will be a new stock-proof fence put around the whole perimeter of the graveyard. Access to the graveyard will still be through the pedestrian gate or the main gate. In the next few weeks the new fence will be erected. Once the fencing has been completed then it will give time to plan ahead in how best to proceed in fixing the graveyard wall.
Eucharistic Ministers: Fr. John Paul will once again be asking some parishioners to take on the role of being a Eucharistic Minister in our parishes. Fr. John Paul wishes to thank those who have already said yes and soon there will be a meeting.
Training Workshop for Sound System: a couple of years ago the parish bought a very good sound system (speakers and microphones etc) to help at the Fisherman’s Mass and for various others parish events. There will be free workshop provided by Benbecula Music College on Wednesday 6th November in Vatersay Hall. (time still to be arranged and a pack lunch will be provided). Is there anyone who would like to go along and learn about how to set up the sound system- learn how to work it? If you are interested contact Ronnie MacNeil -Tel 810416 or email-