Bhileag 4th August 2019
Burial of Ashes: today (4th August) there will be the burial of Ashes of the late Hughie MacArthur of Barra. Hughie had lived in Ireland for many years and it was there that he passed away and he was cremated. The urn of ashes will be brought to the 11.30am Mass and we will remember the prayer intention of praying for the repose of the soul of Hughie MacArthur and after the Mass the Ashes will be placed into a family plot at Cuithir graveyard.
Lapaich: Fr. John Paul will visit the housebound this week. Monday & Wednesday in Castlebay Parish and THURSDAY in Northbay parish.
Bishop’s Fund: today we will take up a special collection to help support our Bishop- to support him in his travelling around our widespread Diocese and to help in his administration.
Future Wedding: next Friday (9th August) there will be the Wedding Mass of Debbie MacLean & Michael MacMillan. The Nuptial Mass will be at 2.00pm in Our Lady Star of the Sea in Castlebay. We remember Debbie & Michael in our prayers as they prepare for their important day. If members of the choir could come along and help in the singing that would be appreciated.
Congratulations: to Sarah Ann MacLean & Domhnall Iain MacLeod who were married in Our Lady Star of the Sea on Friday 2nd August. We wish Mr & Mrs MacLeod every joy and happiness in their marriage.
Also congratulations to Micheal & Flora Dowds of Barra & Glasgow who celebrated a Family Mass with Fr. John Paul in St. Barr’s in thanksgiving for their Golden Wedding Anniversary. We wish Michael & Flora every blessing.
Fr. John Paul: Please note that Fr. John Paul will be heading away for a Summer Break from next Sunday (11th August) for over 2 weeks. While he is away Fr. David Stewart will be here. Fr. David has been coming to Barra for a good number of years and he is looking forward to his annual trip.
Eucharistic Ministers: Fr. John Paul will be approaching parishioners to ask if they would like to be Eucharistic Ministers in our parishes. Fr. John Paul is happy to be approached with any names too.