Star of the Sea, Castlebay, The Isle of Barra. HS9 5XD.
Phone 01871 810267
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Bhileag 29th September 2019

Recent Funerals: we pray for the repose of the soul of ARCHIE MACNEIL (Archie Lily) of Horve who peacefully passed away on Monday 23rd September in St. Brendan’s Hospital. Archie passed away aged 67. The Requiem Mass took place on Thursday 26th September in Our Lady Star of the Sea and Archie was laid to rest in Cuithir Cemetery. Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May he rest in peace. Amen.


We also extend our prayers of sympathy to the family of Mairi Bremner who was a well known figure in the Southern Isles in her work with the Council and with Gaelic. Mairi’s Requiem Mass took place on Friday 27th September in St. Michael’s Ardkenneth in South Uist and she was the laid to rest in Ardivachar Cemetery. May she rest on God’s eternal love and peace.


Requiem Mass: We pray for the repose of the soul of MORAG ANNE MacINTYRE,(daughter of Calum Aoidh of Bolnabodach) who died in Fort William. Morag Anne’s remains will come to Barra on Monday (30th September) and will be received in St. Barr’s Church when the boat comes in. The Requiem Mass will be on Tuesday 1st October at 11am in St. Barr’s in Northbay and afterwards Morag Anne will be laid to rest in Eoligarry graveyard. Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in peace. Amen.


St. Therese Prayer Card: please pick up a prayer card at the church entrance.


Vatersay Sunday Mass: next Sunday the 1st Sunday of October Mass at 4pm in Our Lady of the Waves.


Wedding: Congratulations to Shonaidh Campbell & Christina MacNeil who were married on Saturday 28th September in Our Lady Star of the Sea. We wish Mr & Mrs Campbell every health, happiness and blessings in their marriage.


The Month of October: is a month we pray the Holy Rosary more often. After morning Mass Tuesday- Friday the Rosary will be prayed after Mass. Also there will be Sunday October Devotions.


News on Fr. Colin MacInnes: Fr. Colin retuned last week to Benbecula- back to the chapel house in Griminish on Benbecula- which he is very happy with. Fr. Colin was away in hospital for over 4 months. He is still very sore and slowly but surely making steady progress. Fr. Michael MacDonald continues to help to look after the Sunday Masses until Fr Colin is strong enough. We are happy to hear that he has returned home and pray that he continues to get better.


Eucharistic Ministers:  Fr. John Paul will once again be asking some parishioners to take on the role of being a Eucharistic Minister in our parishes. Fr. John Paul wishes to thank those who have already said yes and soon there will be a meeting.


Training Workshop for Sound System: a couple of years ago the parish bought a very good sound system (speakers and microphones etc) to help at the Fisherman’s Mass and for various others parish events. There will be free workshop provided by Benbecula Music College on Wednesday 6th November in Vatersay Hall. (time still to be arranged and a pack lunch will be provided). Is there anyone who would like to go along and learn about how to set up the sound system, learn how to work it? If you are interested contact Ronnie MacNeil -Tel 810416 or email-