Bhileag 29th December 2019
Community Carol Service: today (Sunday 29th December) there will be the Community Carol Service in Northbay Hall at 3.00pm. Come along and join in singing some of our favourite carols and afterwards mince pies and refreshments will be served.
New Year’s Day: this Wednesday is the start of a new Year- 2020. What better way to enter a new year and another decade than to go to Holy Mass and pray for God’s blessing upon you and your families. Mass at 11am in Castlebay and then at 12.30pm in Northbay.
Justice & Peace: next Sunday (5th January) is the Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord and it is the day the Catholic Church in Scotland offers special prayers for the work of Justice and Peace in our World. There will be a letter read out at all Masses from Bishop William Nolan and we will take up a special collection for Justice and peace.
Vatersay Sunday Mass: next Sunday (5th January) there will be the extra Sunday afternoon Mass on Vatersay at 4pm.
Thank You: Fr. John Paul wishes to thank everyone who has helped prepare our churches for Christmas. All five of our Churches look so beautiful in celebration of the season of Christmas. Thank you to everyone who has given cards and gifts to Fr. John Paul- your kindness and support has been overwhelming- Moran Taing!
Fr. John Paul wishes everyone a happy & Holy New Year.