Bhileag 27th May 2018
May Devotion: since the weather is so lovely we will have Rosary outside at the Grotto in Northbay today (27th May) at 4.00pm. Maybe some of our housebound can be taken to the Rosary as it is so accessible to park cars at the side of the hall facing the Grotto- so that everyone can join in. This is the last Sunday of May so let us all come together and pray the powerful prayer of the Rosary for our Island, for our parishes and for our families. All welcome.
Day for Life Collection: next weekend there will be a second collection uplifted for “Day for Life”.
New Parish Emails: Each parish has been given an email address and therefore if you wish to contact either parish by email please use- or
Safeguarding Letter: please pick up a letter from Bishop Joseph Toal highlighting the hard work of the Catholic Church in Scotland in safeguarding children and vulnerable adults. It is an important letter so please pick one up and take home with you.
General Data Protection Regulation (GPDR)- many of us will have received through the post or by email information in regard a new important regulation which came into effect on Friday 25th May 2018 in regard to personal Data. This effects the Church too in how we keep peoples data and one such way it effects the local parish is with the parish Newsletter. Please note that from now on if Fr. John Paul wants to put into the newsletter the announcement of a wedding or a baptism or of someone who is sick, the people involved have to write a letter to agree that their names can be used. It will take a while to get use to this new way and sadly more often than not we probably won’t have such announcements in the newsletter. Anyway we all have to do our bit to protect personal data.
First Saturday Devotion: next Saturday the first Saturday of June there will be the First Saturday devotion encouraged by Our Lady of Fatima. It will be in Our Lady Star of the Sea. Confessions from 9.15am-9.40am. Rosary 9.40am-9.55am. Mass at 10am and then from 10.30am-10.45 exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. All welcome.
Vatersay Sunday Mass: next Sunday is the first Sunday of the month of June and there will be Mass at 4pm in Our Lady of the Waves and St. John on Vatersay.
First Holy Communion date: let us keep in mind the children preparing to make their first confession and their First Holy Communion. The date for the First Holy Communion is Sunday 24th June. The First confessions will be made just before the date.