Star of the Sea, Castlebay, The Isle of Barra. HS9 5XD.
Phone 01871 810267
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Bhileag 26th May 2019

Rosary & Benediction: today there will be Rosary and Benediction in St. Barr’s  in Northbay at 4pm.


Wedding: this coming Monday 27th May there will be the Wedding Service of Theresa MacCuish & Ian Finlay in Our Lady Star of the Sea in Castlebay at 2.00pm. If any members of the choir are available please come along and help in the singing of the hymns. Let us pray for Theresa & Ian as they prepare for a very important day in their lives.


Holyday of Obligation: this coming Thursday is Ascension Thursday- 40 days after the Resurrection (Easter Sunday) our Lord Ascended to the glory of heaven. It is a Holyday of Obligation and therefore please note the Mass times for Thursday- 10am Northbay; 11.30am in Craigston and 7pm in Castlebay.


Vatersay Mass: next Sunday is the first Sunday of June and there will be Mass at 4pm on Vatersay. Also please note this week- the Mass on Friday in Vatersay will be slightly later at 12.30pm.


SPUC: The Society for the Protection of the unborn Child (SPUC) will be hosting an event in St. Mary’s Benbecula on Saturday 8th June at 7pm. The church has a strong view on the right to life especially the rights of the unborn child. There are flyers at the church entrance with the details of the SPUC event. If anyone would like to go from the parish to the SPUC meeting please speak with Fr. John Paul and the parish would pay for any expense in travel and accommodation to go to this meeting.


Day for Life Collection: next Sunday 2nd June there will be a special collection for Day for life.


First Holy Communions: this year the First Holy Communions will be over 2 weekends. The Northbay children – Erin MacNeil, Robbie Campbell & Domhnall Eachann MacLean will make their First  Holy Communion on Sunday 16th June during the 9.30am Mass in St. Barr’s. Then on Sunday 23rd June the Castlebay children-Liam Paterson, Anthony Gillies & Lewis Walker will make their first  Holy Communion during the 11.30am Mass in Our Lady Star of the Sea. Please remember these children in your prayers.


Craigston Church: work will begin this week in painting the outside of St. Brendan’s church.


Northbay church grounds: it’s always nice to see the grounds look so nice but we do need extra helpers to keep this maintained like help with grass-cutting- please let Fr. John Paul know if you can help put your name forward to help!


Northbay Gift Aid: Fr John Paul would like to check who has gift aid number 29 in Northbay to update records.