Star of the Sea, Castlebay, The Isle of Barra. HS9 5XD.
Phone 01871 810267
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Bhileag 25th November 2018

Congratulations to Fr. Emmanuel: On Thursday 22nd November Fr. Emmanuel passed his driving Test on Barra- which is lovely Good News!  Fr. Emmanuel wishes to thank everyone who has helped over the last four months in giving him lifts to the various churches for Masses and special thanks to Eachann for the driving lessons! Fr. Emmanuel has now moved over to Vatersay Chapel House and this will now be his home. The telephone number for Vatersay chapel house is above if anyone needs to make contact with him. Now that Fr. Emmanuel has a car and driving licence he is able to drive from his home on Vatersay anywhere around the islands and beyond! So keep an eye out for his wee blue car and give him a wave!

Graveyard Rosary: the last Graveyard Rosary will be for Borve Graveyard. Please note that the Rosary will be prayed in St. Brendan’s church in Craigston at 3.00pm -this Sunday afternoon.

Requiem Mass: on Tuesday 27th November there will be the Requiem Mass of  Mrs. Joan Mary Lee (of London & Eoligarry who died at the age of 85). The Mass will be in St. Vincent’s church in Eoligarry at 11am. Joan will then be laid to rest in Eoligarry graveyard. Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord an d let perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in peace. Amen.

Diocesan financial Deficit: This weekend a letter from Bishop Brian will be read out at all Masses. Please ensure that you take time to read the information provided in the Diocesan handout and consider yourself the suggested ways in which you can help the Diocese.

Sacrament Classes: Fr. John Paul has handed letters & forms to the School enquiring which children will be attending the sacrament classes this coming year. Classes will begin after the New Year. Could parents who have received these forms please fill them in and pass them onto the school. Please note that from now on the children preparing for the sacraments will first prepare for their first confession and  then their first holy communion. They will receive the sacrament of Confirmation in Primary 7.

First Sunday of Advent: the beginning of a new Church Year begins next Sunday 2nd December with the start of the season of Advent. There will be the extra Mass on Vatersay at 4pm next Sunday.

Castlebay Altar Servers: a rota for the children to serve in Castlebay Church is being put together and hopefully we start next weekend for the first Sunday of Advent.