Bhileag 25th March 2018
Fr. Peter Banyard: Sadly Fr. Peter cannot travel to Barra for Easter this year. He still is not keeping well and has been advised to stay in Glasgow for Easter. Let us remember Fr. Peter in a special way in our Easter Prayers.
Sacrament of Confession: Fr. John Paul will be available to hear confessions on Tuesday 6pm-7pm in Northbay church and Wednesday 6pm-7pm in Castlebay church.
Stations of the Cross: an important devotion in Lent is to pray the Stations of the Cross. Today on Palm Sunday there will be Stations of the Cross at 4.00pm in Our Lady Star of the Sea, Castlebay.
Congratulations: to KERRY MacDONALD & ANDREW RAE who were married in Our Lady Star of the Sea on Saturday 24th March. May God bless Kerry & Andy in their future together with joy, peace and happiness.
Mass for the burial of ashes: of the late Neil Campbell (Niall Dhunnachaidh of Vatersay) will be on MONDAY 26th March at 11.00am in Vatersay Church and thereafter burial of ashes in Vatersay graveyard.
Church cleaning: Castlebay church on Tuesday afternoon- from 2pm. Craigston church will be on Wednesday evening. Please come along and help prepare the churches for Easter.
Recent Deaths: we pray for the repose of the soul of Cardinal Keith Patrick O’Brien who passed away on the 19th March (Feast of St. Joseph) at the age of 80. His funeral is on Thursday 5th April. Cardinal O Brien was very good to our Diocese for the years we were without a Bishop. He also ordained Fr. John Paul to the Priesthood on 24th June 1999. May he rest in God’s eternal love and peace.
We also pray for the repose of the soul of AGNES HUTSON, the mother of Fr. Michael Hutson who also died on Monday 19th March. We extend our prayers and love to Fr. Michael and all the family at this sad time. The funeral of Agnes took place on Friday 23rd March in Cumnock in Ayrshire. May she rest in God’s eternal love and peace.
SCIAF wee Boxes: should be handed in now. Its nice to bring them along to the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday.
Good Friday: is a day of Fast and Abstinence and there will be a collection for the African Missions and Holy Places.