Bhileag 24th June 2018
Good News: last Thursday (21st June) Bishop Brian ordained Rev. Emmanuel as a Priest of the Diocese of Argyll & the Isles. It was a beautiful celebration! Then on Friday 22nd June Bishop Brian told Fr. Emmanuel that he would be appointed as an assistant Priest to Barra & Vatersay to help Fr. John Paul. Wonderful Good news for our parishes! We are so pleased that Bishop Brian has asked Fr. Emmanuel to come to our parishes and we look forward to his arrival at the end of July. It is planned that he will hopefully be an assistant for a couple of years before he takes up his own first parish in the Diocese. Let us continue to pray for Fr. Emmanuel in his Vocation as a Priest of our Diocese.
First Holy Communion: this weekend, over 3 Masses, the children of our parishes will make their first holy communion. Let us remember all the 17 children preparing to receive their Lord Jesus in Holy Communion. May it be the first of many times that they will be nourished by the bread of life.
St. Columba’s Well: in thanksgiving the children who have made their First Holy Communion will go to St. Columba’s Well in Tangusdale on Sunday afternoon at 3pm. They will pray the holy Rosary and receive a special blessing.
Holyday of Obligation: next Friday 29th June is the Solemnity of St. Peter & St. Paul and is a Holyday of Obligation. There will be Mass at 10am in Northbay, 11.30am in Craigston and 7pm in Castlebay.
Fr. Michael MacDonald: we remember Fr. Michael MacDonald in our prayers as he celebrates his 40th anniversary of Priesthood on the 29th June. There will be a Parish Celebration in Iochdar on Thursday 28th June with Mass at 7pm. May God bless Fr. Michael on this special anniversary of his Priesthood.
150th Anniversary of St. Peter’s Daliburgh: this year on the 29th June St. Peter’s Church in Daliburgh will celebrate its 150th anniversary. Bishop Brian will celebrate a Mass of Thanksgiving at 7pm on Friday 29th June. We wish the parishioners of St. Peter’s in Daliburgh every blessing on their 150th anniversary.
Mary’s Meals: to support Mary’s Meals, raffle tickets will be sold after the Vigil Mass in Craigston Church on Saturday 23rd June.
Vatersay Sunday Mass: next Sunday there will be Mass at 4pm in Our Lady of the Waves & St. John.