Bhileag 23rd June 2019
First Holy Communions: today on this Corpus Christi Sunday- Liam Paterson & Anthony Gillies will make their First Holy Communion during the 11.30am Mass in Castlebay. Let’s remember these young boys in our prayers as they prepare to receive their Lord Jesus for the first time in Holy Communion. Then in the afternoon at 3pm the Holy Communion children will gather to pray at St. Columba’s well in Tangusdale.
Corpus Christi Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: today at 4.00pm in St. Barr’s in Northbay there will be Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction.
Eucharistic Ministers: over the next few weeks Fr. John Paul will be approaching parishioners to ask if they would like to be Eucharistic Ministers in our parishes. Fr. John Paul is happy to be approached with any names too. A Eucharistic minister helps the Priest give out the precious Body & Blood of our Saviour in Holy Communion at holy Mass. We already have Eucharistic ministers helping in Castlebay, Craigston and Vatersay Churches -which we have had for a long time. Fr. John Paul is keen also to begin Eucharistic ministers in Northbay & Eoligarry churches which we are unfamiliar with. As soon as Fr. John Paul has a list of names there will be a Talk arranged for all Eucharistic ministers to attend. Fr. John Paul is keen to keep hold of all existing Eucharistic ministers but if anyone feels they would like to step down from their role please speak with Fr. John Paul.
Readers at Mass: we are always happy to have new voices help in reading at Mass. If you would like to help read at Mass (either in English or Gaelic) please speak with Fr. John Paul.
Solemnity of St. Peter & St. Paul: The Solemnity of St. Peter and St. Paul is next Sunday – it has been moved from the Saturday (29th June) to the Sunday 30th June.
Peter’s Pence Collection: next weekend there will be the 2nd collection for Peter’s Pence which is a collection uplifted for the Pope to give to various charities within the church.
Saturday Mass: please note next Saturday (29th June) the morning Mass will be at 9.30am.