Bhileag 22nd September 2019
St. Therese Prayer Card: As people venerated the relics of St. Therese in Oban Cathedral, prayer cards were given out. There are some of these prayers cards at the church entrance-so please take one home with you and pray to St. Therese for you and your families. The Visit of St. Therese to our Diocese of Argyll & the Isles was a huge success and wonderful blessing. The relics have now returned back to France.
Future Wedding: next Saturday 28th September will be the Nuptial Mass of Shonaidh Campbell & Christina MacNeil. The Nuptial Mass will be in Our Lady Star of the Sea in Castlebay at 2pm. If any members of the choir are available to come along and help in the singing- that would be much appreciated.
Sacrament of Confession: Please note as well as Confession on Saturday morning before the 10am Castlebay Mass and also before the Craigston Vigil Mass there will now be an opportunity to go to Confession each Saturday afternoon (except the Saturday when the extra Vigil Mass is in Eoligarry) in Northbay Church from 4.30pm-5pm. The Sacrament of Confession is an important Sacrament and we should be making more use of this Sacrament of healing.
Eucharistic Ministers: Fr. John Paul will once again be asking some parishioners to take on the role of being a Eucharistic Minister in our parishes. Fr. John Paul wishes to thank those who have already said yes and soon there will be a meeting.
Recent Baptism: we warmly welcome into the family of the Church Seonaidh Angus MacInnes who was baptised last Friday 20th September in St. Barr’s in Northbay. May the Lord Jesus continue to bless Seonaidh with every health and blessing.
Training Workshop for Sound System: a couple of years ago the parish bought a very good sound system (speakers and microphones etc) to help at the Fisherman’s Mass and for various others parish events. As well as parish events the sound system has been used around the island (at the Barra Games, Barrathon, weddings etc) however we need people to be instructed in how to properly use it and to help out when the equipment is needed. There will be free workshop provided by Benbecula Music College on Wednesday 6th November in Vatersay Hall. (time still to be arranged and a pack lunch will be provided). Is there anyone who would like to go along and learn about how to set up the sound system, learn how to work it? If you are interested contact Ronnie MacNeil -Tel 810416 or email-