Bhileag 22nd December 2019
Recent Funeral: we remember in our prayers the repose of the soul of BOB DEWAR of Northbay who peacefully passed away on Thursday 19th December at the age of 86. The Funeral Mass took place on Saturday 21st December in St. Barr’s in Northbay and then Bob was laid to rest in Eoligarry graveyard. Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen.
Church Cleaning& Christmas decoration: this Sunday afternoon cleaning and decorating of Craigston church at 3pm. Can you spare some time and come along and help? Thank you to everyone who has worked hard behind the scenes to help clean and decorate all our churches for Christmas. Moran Taing
Sacrament of Confession: Fr. John Paul will be available for Confessions on Monday 23rd Dec from 11am-12noon in Castlebay & 4pm-5pm Northbay church.
Sgoil nan Sagart (Priests School): is a Gaelic TV programme which follows the life of our recently ordained priest- Fr. Ronald Campbell. Tony Kearney with his film crew followed the life of Fr. Ronald over in Rome where he was finishing his studies and then they filmed him all the way up to the Ordination on Benbecula which was on the 9th July. The Gaelic programme will be shown over Christmas –on the 25th/26th/27th December on BBC ALBA at 8.30pm.
Christmas Mass Times 2019: Christmas Eve- 7pm Northbay;
9pm Vatersay; 11pm Craigston.
On Christmas day- 9.30am Eoligarry and 11.30am in Castlebay.
Christmas is an important time of the year and especially going to Mass at Christmas is very important- so let’s make our churches busy and let us all celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and pray for God’s blessing to come upon us, our families, our loved ones and our parishes at this holy time.
Fr. John Paul wishes everyone a very happy & holy Christmas.